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The power of intercession

The power of intercession

As you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.

2 Corinthians 1:1-11

We are living a moment in which intercession is so necessary, with a health crisis that directly affects the economy, causing besides deaths, unemployment, and so many evils to society. It is at this moment that we think there is nothing more to be done, we see no way out, and the only desire we have is to disappear until everything is over.

However, we have what to do, we are children of God, called to freedom and to be light in a world of darkness. Now you may be asking yourself: “but what is within my power?”, and I answer you that you have a powerful weapon against all that is attacking the world, prayer, and more than that, prayer with the intentionality to intercede.

So often our prayers can be shallow and selfish, focused only on ourselves, sometimes not even seeking what God wants for us, but almost begging for our own will to be done instead of the will of the Most High. But it is in moments like these that we need to look around us and identify who needs prayer.

Of course we can pray for ourselves and our families, but it can’t be just that, we have been called to be Christ’s disciples and as his disciples we have a mission, which is to spread the good news of salvation and to welcome people who are suffering, showing them that they are loved by God.

Have you interceded for someone or something this week?

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

1 Timothy 2:1-2

There are so many things that we can intercede for, among them our authorities, the health of the population, the health of our brothers and sisters, the financial situation in which the country finds itself, in short, an infinite number of things. Many times we stop praying for others or for great things like the country and bigger institutions, because we don’t believe that there is power in our prayer, but I want to tell you that it is God who enables you and that there is power in your prayer.

So, if you have not yet interceded, now is the time. Your prayer has power, so often in churches we see people going to their pastors or leaders, believing that there is more power in their prayer, than in their own. It’s okay to ask for prayer from someone more experienced in the faith, but we also can’t stop believing that our intercession has power.

For, the God who enables leaders and pastors is the same God who enables you. Our Lord wants to use us as a vessel of blessing in the lives of others. We can and should intercede, administer words of healing, restoration, wisdom, and bless those in need.

So don’t stop interceding, because there is power in your intercession, whether for the country, for the situation we are living in, or for a person who needs it. Ask God for direction also to know what He expects from you and to give you discernment about the situation.

God bless you!

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