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Take a stand!

Take a stand!

In the book of Judges, we see some challenges and victories recounted, and in the midst of them, a woman emerges as a spiritual mother for the people of Israel.

Deborah was a wise leader, but beyond emphasizing that, I want to remind you of one of her actions that made all the difference: rising up.

Challenged to act

“Villagers in Israel would not fight; they held back until I, Deborah, arose, until I arose, a mother in Israel.”

Judges 5:7

Deborah stood up as a mother to Israel in a time of need, and her story powerfully tells the transformative impact of standing up and taking action.

In Judges 4, we see Israel immersed in times of war, crying out to God for guidance and deliverance. Being a leader in moments like this is very challenging and complicated, but even so, Débora stood up with determination, as a judge and spiritual mother.

She decided to act boldly, guiding and inspiring the people, in God.

How long has it been since you stood up and truly stood with authority in your life?

Acting in fear of the Lord

“Who, then, are those who fear the Lord? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose.”

Psalms 25:12

History reports that Deborah summoned Barak, a military leader of the time, and told him about the divine promise to deliver the army into his hands. This action, even in the midst of so much adversity, motivated Barak to lead and encouraged the people to follow.

There was fear in her heart; she did not rise up recklessly at a time when she was lost, but with direction from God, with boldness and wisdom from above, rooted in a connection and relationship with the Father.

If she stands up to act, she possesses enormous power, courage, and strength. She recognized the need for leadership and saw that it was time to take action to bring about change (all based on God).

He is the source

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

Provérbios 2:6

The power to rise up lies in the willingness to be instruments in the hands of God, not to do everything with our own hands, as we really don’t have enough strength for anything.

She understood what God had called her to do: influence and guide. Delegate what was necessary to those whom the Lord showed her, being a spokesperson for a nation.

Deborah did not rise up in search of personal glory but out of love for her people and obedience to God.

The Lord wants us as agents of change; the source of this transformation continues to be Him, so the strength for this to happen also comes from Him, and this power contradicts everything around us.

Allow Him to do

“He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.”

Psalms 25:9

In moments of pain and war, in moments that demand leadership and courageous action, we are called to rise up. The power to rise is within the reach of everyone who responds to the divine call, as it comes from Him. He empowers those whom he chooses.

My goal here is to inspire you with Deborah’s story, to lead you to be an agent of change and to rise up in love, faith and action, seeking to glorify God and help His children.

God calls you to make a difference today; You are a channel of transformation, and God wants to empower you more every day.

Allow Him!

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