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Structured by the Creator

Structured by the Creator

Human beings have always cared about what can be seen. We have observed beauty standards for people and places being imposed since ancient times, and we tend to focus more on that than on who we are inside and what we do when no one is watching.

But who are you inside? What is your identity? What is its structure?

Surface base

“Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.”

John 7:24

Nowadays, with technology and so much information, appearance and what you are like on the outside have become an unhealthy concern. We think we know people because of what they seem to be, and we choose to go to places because of what they appear to be. Then we get frustrated when we get to know the inside; we place a lot of expectations on what we form from such a superficial characteristic.

I don’t know about you, but I love home decor. Seeing an organized, clean, and beautiful environment is something I really appreciate.

The look always catches our attention. We are dazzled by what adorns us and, most of the time, we are led to focus more on it.

In the end, what matters least is the decoration.

Inside the walls

“They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.”

Luke 6:48

The most important part of the construction is hidden in the walls. It’s amazing how much we can do with decoration to make the environment pleasant, but the structure only remains standing when we focus on it.

The electrical systems, pipes, pillars, and beams—all of these need to be well thought out, planned, and made with the best quality materials. What is outside this structure only decorates and can only be kept standing if the interior is well constructed.

Have you ever tried to hang a simple, light painting on a poorly planned and constructed wall? Keeping it straight and secure becomes almost impossible and requires us to invent “maneuvers” so that we can decorate the place.

God does not want you to be a poorly designed and decorated wall.

Strengthening the base

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

1 Peter 3:3-4

The Lord calls us to be truly transformed, which involves being broken and then raised again in the right way.

He wants to rebuild you, focusing on the pillars and structure, considering every detail of your interior and making it strong to stand upright. Everything you manage to put out is just a reflection of what has already been done in secret.

I’ve often heard that our exterior reflects who we are on the inside, and I deeply believe that. We are a mirror of our secret.

That is why God always instructs us to guard our hearts and work within ourselves, nourishing ourselves with the Word. This is what keeps us firm in every step we take.

Reflect the inside

“People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7

Understand: I’m not saying there’s a problem with dressing up and looking good. But don’t let this become the most important thing.

Feed on the Word before eating physical bread. Drink the water of God before quenching the thirst of your mouth. And above all, work in secret.

The way you take care of your interior and what remains inside, what no one sees, focusing on its structures, allows God’s grace to shine on your exterior in a natural way, without forcing anything.

Allow yourself to be built on the rock, with the Father as the cornerstone of the structure, keeping everything upright and strong. Then, you will be much more than a beautiful home to look at, but a safe and peaceful place to be.

Be much more on the inside than what you already are on the outside!

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