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Stand firm!

Stand firm!

A position defines your limits and ideals.

We are generally afraid to take a stand, as it brings many changes. Change is scary, and the beginning is uncomfortable. But you are not alone!

Free in Christ

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”

Psalm 119:105

Often, when making the right decision, we get the impression that everything is going wrong around us. This happens because the light turns on and reveals everything.

What you previously couldn’t see in the dark is now clear and visible, fixable.

When we do not position ourselves in the face of a situation, we allow it to remain covered in uncertainty and fear, generating trauma within us. We get stuck in situations that make us sick.

God offered you freedom and wants to introduce you to a lighter way of living life.

Allowing changes

“Whoever watches the wind will not plant. Whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.”

Ecclesiastes 11:4

There will be times when your positioning will make you lose people, or it will be necessary for you to say goodbye to places and dreams. In other situations, He will not move you from place to place or keep you away from groups of friends, but He will move something within you and the people around you.

Positioning is change, and this change is not always related to physical movement but rather to social, psychological, emotional, and, mainly, spiritual maturation.

God calls you to much more; He desires and dreams much more for you, whether where you are or on the other side of the world.

If life seems stagnant and without any future, sometimes what’s missing is a position.

Wisdom to position

“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.”

Proverbs 3:13

Positioning yourself means defining your boundaries. Understand and make your limits transparent, knowing the extent to which you accept and tolerate certain situations.

God strengthens you to fight, but there are battles that are not yours. He enables you to stay in certain places, generating transformation and renewal, and encourages you to leave others, seeking to grow and evolve more and more.

I want to invite you to assume an opinion, to stand firmly on a situation and take a position on it, always seeking God’s wisdom and discernment first.

With Him, you know the right time and way to take a stand. You don’t have to do this alone. Seek answers from Him and ask for His presence.

Fear not! Trust in the Lord.

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