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Sin does not stop the miracle

Sin does not stop the miracle

The Bible often has that part that we almost always skip when reading: the long and neglected genealogy. I understand why we skip. There are many names and that gives that feeling of wasting time in our devotional. But today I want to show you something very special.

Everything has a reason

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness“.

2 Timothy 3:16

Everything in the Bible has meaning and importance. God doesn’t do anything for nothing, without purpose and that doesn’t carry a special message.

Understanding where we came from and the path we took to a certain place teaches us to be grateful for where we are in the present and also to be hopeful about where we will go. Even if the walk was not made with 100% beautiful steps and only correct choices. 

An imperfect lineage

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope“.

Romans 15:4

The genealogy of Jesus is presented in two ways: by Matthew, beginning with Abraham, and by Luke, who tells it from Adam. 

Regardless of which of the two we read and study further, both will show bad people and who, in our view, are extremely sinful. In Christ’s lineage we see Rahab, a prostitute. Ahaz, who proved to be very violent at various times. King David, who suffered serious consequences from his bad choices, among other biblical characters.

Anyway, this list brings people who have even committed certain serious crimes. People that no one would want to link to their origin so as not to hurt their reputation.

Redeemed by the blood

I remember, Lord, your ancient laws, and I find comfort in them”.

Psalm 119:52

Some present in the genealogy of Jesus were rebellious to God and often unbelievers of His promises. Emphasizing each of these people is intentional, to show us that, however bad we are, in Him we are redeemed. Our mistakes are forgiven and forgotten by God, and can generate miracles through Jesus Christ. Just as the perfect Son was born into a lineage of imperfect ancestors.

Even if our path is not 100% something we are proud of, the decision to change our steps and always turn to God, despite our mistakes, leads us to an honorable remission.

The purifying water

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9

I know that sin that comes to your mind seems to have screwed up your whole life, giving you a feeling that nothing else can fix it and that God will let go of your hand.

But let me remind you of one very important thing: don’t focus on the fact that He was begotten of the “worst”, but understand that these people were those with broken hearts who longed for forgiveness and mercy, who hoped for a cleansing water . It was King David who wrote Psalms asking for cleansing and mercy.

It doesn’t matter what your hands have done, as long as they are prostrate to the Father, with real repentance and devotion. Then He comes, with all His grace, being a healing and restorative source, giving you a new identity and total forgiveness!

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