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Prayer: Run to the Father

Prayer: Run to the Father

Earlier, I spoke with you about letting go of what we’re doing and not hesitating to respond to God’s call.

Today, I want to pray for you about having the courage to follow Jesus and leave everything behind for His presence. Shall we?


Lord, we are here in Your presence, with open hearts and souls ready to listen to You. Just like the Samaritan woman at the well, who left her water jars and ran to proclaim the good news she received from Your Son Jesus, we too want to leave everything behind when You call us. We don’t want to seek another source of water; we want to be satisfied with everything You have for us.

Father, we don’t want to be attached to the things of this world or worry about what we might lose or gain by following Your voice. Instead, let our focus and goal be to seek Your presence above all else. May the desire to proclaim Your grace and glory be greater than any fear or hesitation in our hearts.

Give us the courage to lay down our burdens, our worries, and everything that holds us back so that we can run towards You. May our lives be a living testimony of Your love, goodness, and grace, and may we share with everyone around us the wonders we find in Your word, Lord.

God, help us to recognize Your voice and respond quickly to Your call with joy, determination, and courage. Let nothing hold us back or prevent us from proclaiming the good news of Your Kingdom.

May we live for Your glory, without looking back, trusting that You are in control of everything. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that we may be instruments of Your peace, love, and truth in this world.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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