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Prayer: No more despair!

Prayer: No more despair!

This week we talked about making a mountain out of a molehill and saw how damaging it is for us. This term is the result of two things, namely fear and lack of understanding. Let’s see, in fear we find insecurity and lack of trust in God, and when we are desperate we act on impulse, which prevents us from making good decisions and consequently makes things worse.

The lack of understanding is a consequence of fear, because when we are disappointed we easily put our fears, insecurities and worries above the fears of others, thus we do not seek to understand the other. Therefore, today I want to pray that self-control and understanding will be more present in our lives and no more despair!

I leave here some passages especially for you today:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

He who is longsuffering is great in understanding, but he who is hasty exalts folly.

Proverbs 14:29

Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or store in barns, yet their heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Matthew 6:26

Remember that you don’t have to repeat the prayer exactly as I’m going to leave it here, because each one of us has a specific way of communicating with the Lord. But if you want to follow me, it will be a pleasure, feel free to speak it in your own way.


Beloved God, thank you for this day, for your infinite love, care, protection, for your mercy, for all that you have given me, for the blessings and challenges that have made me grow. Thank you for letting your Holy Spirit dwell in our midst. You alone are God, worthy of all praise, all honor and glory. Forgive me if at any time I let fear overwhelm me and did not trust You.

Father, I don’t want to let fear and despair consume me anymore, You know me and know that it hasn’t been easy, You know my pains and anguish, but I don’t want to live with my focus on them but on what You have been so good to me. My beloved, cleanse my thoughts of all anxiety and nervousness. Bring refreshment to my soul.

I want to worship You as long as I live and breathe, I give You everything I am and declare that in You, I have already conquered every evil, that in You my days are joyful, and I find strength to do everything I need. My God, Yours is the power, the glory, and the honor forever. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray, give thanks and ask that my words may reach You like a sweet perfume!

Prayer of a mere servant of God

God bless you!

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