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Prayer: I want to see You

Prayer: I want to see You

Let’s seek the face of God. He sees us, sees our hearts. Run to see Him, climb whatever tree you must to find Him.

Shall we pray for this presence?


Father, we acknowledge how sinful and weak we are, and we now place ourselves in Your presence, knowing that without You we are nothing, but with hearts full of hope, because we know that Your love for us is greater than any mistake we could make.

Just like Zacchaeus, who longed to see Jesus, we too desire to find You, to be in Your presence, and to contemplate the beauty of Your face.

Lord, we know we do not deserve to be before You. Just like Zacchaeus, who was despised by society because of his sins, we also carry guilt and wounds that separate us from You. But just as You did with Zacchaeus, we know that You look upon us with love, inviting us to sit at Your table, for a personal and profound relationship.

Help us to seek Your face with all our being, to step out of our comfort zone, to leave behind all that holds us back, and to overcome our fears, so that we may be closer to You. We know that nothing is more important or valuable than being in Your presence; we want to seek Your eyes.

Today, we choose to seek You above all else. We choose to climb the tree of faith to see more of You. We know that You see us, You know us, and that You desire to enter our home, our heart, and make Your dwelling with us.

We are willing to change and give You what is most precious to us, to correct our paths, and to follow a life of justice and love. May our greatest desire be to know You more.

Your grace is incomparable, Lord. We do not deserve it, yet we are still loved. Guide us in this daily pursuit. May every step we take be toward Christ. Mold our hearts in Your word. Just as Zacchaeus was transformed by the encounter with Jesus, may we also be transformed by Your living and powerful presence.

We surrender ourselves to You, knowing that in Your arms we will find more than we seek.

In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

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