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Prayer: Healing a wounded heart!

Prayer: Healing a wounded heart!

Do you know what the key to healing a heart is? It’s forgiveness, forgiveness cleans our hearts and lightens our baggage, maybe you carry a much heavier load than you should and it’s time to leave it in the past, after all, who lives in the past is a museum, so today I want to pray with you for a renewed heart, healed, free of pain, bitterness, anger or any bad feeling.

In Proverbs 27:19, it is written that the heart reflects who we are, so we can realize the importance of taking good care of it, so that no evil can enter. Fortunately, we can count on our God for this, for as it is written in Psalm 147:3: “He heals the brokenhearted and deals with their sufferings.

I leave here some passages especially for you today:

Just as water reflects the face, the heart reflects who we are.

Proverbs 27:19

He alone heals the brokenhearted and cares for their wounds.

Psalm 147:3

May the peace of Christ be the judge in your hearts, since you have been called to live in peace, as members of one body. And be thankful.

Colossians 3:15

Remember that you don’t have to repeat the prayer exactly as I am going to leave it here, because each one of us has a specific way of communicating with the Lord. But if you want to accompany me, it will be a pleasure, feel free to speak it in your own way.


Beloved God, I thank You for healing the brokenhearted, thank You for that! Here I stand before you with my broken heart, I need your direction, I need your calm to come over me, flood my being, with peace, love and gratitude. Father forgive me, for my heart has captivated hurts from the past and I don’t want that in my life anymore, I want to get rid of the bad marks in my heart, free me from all the pain, hurts, anger, jealousy, envy and any bad feeling present in my heart.

May my lips speak words of love, peace, words that bless, for I know that my lips speak what my heart is full of. May my grumbling be exchanged for praise. My Lord, heal the wounds in my heart, the marks left in my childhood, let there be forgiveness in my heart, for I know that you have had mercy on me so many times and I want to have mercy on those who have wronged me.

I deserve nothing, and yet you are good to me. I gently ask that You heal my heart from every evil word and word of discouragement cast upon me. In you, I know I am capable and can be a tool in your hands, I don’t want to hurt anyone because they once hurt me, I want to do the opposite by spreading generosity.

My God, Yours is the power, the glory and the honor forever. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray, give thanks and ask that my words reach the Lord like a sweet perfume!

Prayer of a mere servant of God

God bless you!

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