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Prayer: Directing dreams

Prayer: Directing dreams

There are dreams that are aligned with God’s, others that walk outside of God’s footsteps, and even those that are blessed by the Lord but become wrong dreams because we seek them incorrectly, far from God’s teachings.

I want to invite you to pray together at this moment so that our dreams and paths align with those of the Father. Only in this way can we bear fruit for the Kingdom and experience everything that God desires for us.

Remembering that you don’t need to pray exactly as I’m going to say here. I know that everyone has their own way of communicating with the Father, and it is important that we seek this intimacy. Feel free to talk to the Lord in your way. But if you wish, I am here to accompany you in this prayer.


“Father, thank You for everything You give to me. Be the Author of my dreams and the guide of my paths. May my dreams and projects be in perfect harmony with Yours, so that I can live according to Your purpose and Your will.

Teach my heart to discern the desires that You have, and may my plans be in accordance with Your perfect plan for my life. Enable me to seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness, knowing that all other things will be added according to Your promise.

Lord, help me to fulfill my dreams in the right way, with wisdom and discernment. May every step I take be under Your direction, guided by Your Holy Spirit. Make me patient, trusting in Your timing and Your providence, knowing that You have the best for me. I don’t want to exchange my promise for a bowl of lentils.

Don’t let me stray from Your paths, because without You I have nowhere to go. Give me the courage to abandon dreams that are not aligned with Your will and the boldness to pursue those that glorify Your name. May my search for achievements always be for Your honor and glory, to build for the Kingdom.

Lord, may I have wisdom to make the right decisions and discernment to distinguish what comes from You and what does not. May I be sensitive to hear Your voice clearly and follow Your direction in all areas. I want to learn to trust You with all my heart, not relying on my own understanding, but acknowledging You in all my ways.

I wish that my dreams would be a reflection of Your will, and that their realization would bring eternal fruit for Your Kingdom.

In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.”

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