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Prayer: Deciding paths

Prayer: Deciding paths

God knows what is best for us and wants to have intimacy and freedom to act in our lives. To do this, we need to position ourselves in the face of situations so that there is real change and transformation in us and around us.

Let’s pray together about this position?


“Father, everything that You expect from us and dream for our lives is already written in Your book. I know that we need to seek answers from You and we ask for wisdom and direction on this path.

Grant us the wisdom to form our opinions according to Your will. May we seek Your guidance in all the decisions we need to make, focusing on achieving Your dreams for us.

May we have the courage to let go of the old self, allowing a real transformation in us and around us.

God, we want to fully trust You as our guide. Help us to remain firm in the face of situations that arise and do not allow us to deviate from the paths that You have designed for us.

Strengthen our relationship with You, granting us unshakable confidence in Your love and Your wisdom, showering us with discernment. May we know the right time and way to position ourselves and move, so as not to run against Your timing.

May our faith in You be the central focus of our lives, guiding us through every challenge and keeping us steadfast in Your purpose for us. We want to run to You and leave behind whatever is necessary.

Be with us every step of the way.

In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.”

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