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Prayer: Creating foundations

Prayer: Creating foundations

Previously, I talked to you about focusing on the structure of the building, laying the foundation, and strengthening the house.

Shall we pray about this today? So that we can stand on the firm rock that is Jesus.

Remembering that you don’t need to pray exactly as I’m going to say here. I know that everyone has their own way of communicating with the Father, and it is important that we seek this intimacy. Feel free to talk to the Lord in your way. But if you wish, I am here to accompany you in this prayer.


“Father, we know that true transformation begins from the inside out. The search for it must be in secret, in our intimacy with You, where we are molded and renewed in Your image.

Teach us to focus on what is within us. Enable us to seek Your face in prayer, meditating and studying Your Word, allowing Your Holy Spirit to work deeply in our hearts. May we grow spiritually in secret, away from the eyes of the world, being transformed according to Your will, forgetting the spotlight that our ego seeks and just wanting to be under Your gaze.

Lord, we want to mature in faith and character, cultivating an intimate and personal relationship with You. Teach us to be humble and patient, knowing that Your timing is perfect and that You are always working in our lives, even when we don’t see immediate results, or when the decoration of the house is not finished. We trust that within the walls, You are grounding and strengthening us day after day. We want to know You more every day, finding in You the source of all wisdom and peace.

May Your love, Your peace, and Your truth be the foundations of our lives, keeping us firm and standing. May our lives be a reflection of Your presence, shaped by Your Holy Spirit and strengthened by Your grace.

Father, we ask that, as we grow spiritually in secret, the internal transformation becomes evident in a natural way, so that we can witness to people what You have done in us. May the light of Christ shine through our lives, not for our own glory, but so that all may see and glorify You. May our words, actions, and attitudes be a living testimony of Your love and Your redemptive work in our lives.

Lord, help us to live with integrity and authenticity, being true disciples of Jesus, not seeking human recognition, but only wanting to please You.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.”

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