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Prayer: Blessed to Bless

Prayer: Blessed to Bless

The Lord has a calling for each of us, with a personal and individual direction. But this calling is for the Kingdom, not for oneself. In the word of God, we are encouraged to love as God loved us, caring for one another and being channels of blessings to those around us. The answer to someone’s prayer could be you!

Today, I want to invite you to pray together for this sense of community and body, so that we may understand that, in addition to our calling to serve the Kingdom, we must also serve people.

Remembering that you don’t need to pray exactly as I’m going to say here. I know that everyone has their own way of communicating with the Father, and it is important that we seek this intimacy. Feel free to talk to the Lord in your way. But if you wish, I am here to accompany you in this prayer.


“Dear God, I want to thank You for Your blessings upon my family and friends. I ask that You use me as a channel, so that I can be an answer to prayer in their lives, bringing Your love and light. Illuminate our paths and strengthen our hearts.

Help me to care for the people You have placed in my life. Give wisdom and discernment to my heart so that I can be a support and comfort to my neighbor. I want to love and have compassion as Your Son Jesus taught us. May I give what I have, knowing that I received it from You and will receive even more, not to keep for myself, but to share with my brothers and sisters, overflowing with what I receive as a gift from You.

Lord, teach me to love as Jesus loved us, with a love that gives, that forgives, that welcomes, and that counsels. May my home be a refuge of peace, harmony, and solidarity. I do not want to be selfish with all that You have done for me. I want to be a living witness of Your work, leading others to seek You for who You are.

May I be an instrument of Your peace and love, spreading kindness and hope wherever I go. Align my steps with Yours and lead me to the place where You want to use and shape me. Bless me so that I may be a blessing, use my hands with Your power so that I may be a channel of Your grace in every step I take. May I lead people to know more and more of Your love and care as I love and care.

May Your grace always be with us, guiding and protecting us, today and always. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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