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Prayer: A nation with hope!

Prayer: A nation with hope!

Our hope must always be first in God and when it comes to our nation it is no different. Of course we also have more than the role of just waiting, as Christians we must do our part and be good citizens, respecting the laws of our country and giving the example of a life of integrity. There is no use in demanding less corruption when you yourself are corrupt in your “small”, but significant, daily actions.

As we said in the last text, as Christians we also have a commitment to all creation, we must take care of nature. And today I want to pray with you for our country, also remembering our responsibility for the country to have a good future and hope. You may have heard or said that children are the hope of the nation, but they will do in the future what they have been taught to do, so we need to be good examples. I leave here some passages especially for you today:

They say to him: From Caesar. And He said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.

Matthew 22:21

And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

Genesis 2:15

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

First of all, I recommend that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all men;
for kings and all those in authority, that we may lead a tranquil and peaceful life in all godliness and dignity.

1 Timothy 2:1,2

Remember that you don’t have to repeat the prayer exactly as I am going to leave it here, because each one of us has a specific way of communicating with the Lord. But if you want to follow me, it will be a pleasure, feel free to speak it in your own way.


Beloved God, I give thanks for the country where I was born, for the citizens who live in it, for all the natural and cultural riches there. I know that You allowed me to be born where I should be and I can offer much to my country. Father, I ask forgiveness for the times that I have said that my country was lost, for I only want to bless it with my words.

Father, today before You I commit myself to seek to be a better citizen, active in the community in which I live and good to the people I meet on my path. My beloved, I commit myself to care more for nature, as a whole. I know I cannot change other people, but I can set an example, so help me to live a life of integrity in your eyes.

Lord, I also pray for what is not in my power, give wisdom to the people who govern this nation, that they can make good political and economic decisions. May the country grow again and unemployment no longer be a problem. I pray for health for the population and abundance of food. I declare that my nation is prosperous, blessed, full of the Lord’s grace and hope!

My God, Yours is the power, the glory and the honor forever. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray, give thanks and ask that my words may reach the Lord like a sweet perfume!

Prayer of a mere servant of God

God bless you!

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