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Prayer: A good soldier

Prayer: A good soldier

Whenever I hear the word “Missions,” I remember soldiers who are placed in front of tasks that must be completed in the best way, seeking excellence in carrying them out.

We are those soldiers in the Gospel. In addition to being called as Children of God, we are also included in the mission of spreading the word, making it known and desired.

Today, I want to pray about this Christian mission, about us as His soldiers.

Remember that you don’t need to pray in the same way as I’m going to say here. I know that everyone has their own way of talking to the Father, and it is important to have our intimacy with Him. Feel comfortable talking to the Lord in your own way, and, if you wish, I will be happy to accompany you in this prayer.


“Father, I lift my heart to You at this moment, laying at Your feet my complete reverence and a full surrender to You.

I desire to be a faithful instrument in Your hands, seeking to be an increasingly effective soldier in carrying out Your works. May my entire being be dedicated to proclaiming Your Gospel and truth, spreading Your love wherever I go.

God, I ask for Your blessing on this mission of preaching the Gospel. May this task, entrusted to my hands to speak about You, not be merely an item on my to-do list but a lifestyle, something I live for.

Fill my heart with compassion, humility, and grace. May I carry and radiate Your light into previously dark places, becoming a channel of Your good news to inspire hope in hearts that are in need of faith.

Pour upon me Your courage to face challenges and wisdom to discern Your will, allowing me to share Your love in the best way, welcoming everyone as You welcome me at all times.

Align my steps with the greater purpose of spreading the Gospel, and may my life be a witness to Your transforming and renewing love. Enable me, O God, to be a good soldier of the Gospel, covering myself with the armor of faith, truth, justice, peace, and salvation.

May my words and actions be reflections of Your divine character, attracting people in a natural and light way, presenting Your redeeming mercy with grace.

Fill my being with Your Holy Spirit, teaching me to love unconditionally and to share the message of salvation boldly.

May every step I take be for You, and may every detail of this journey bear fruit for Eternity and the Kingdom, transforming lives and glorifying Your name.

In everything, Lord, may Your will prevail, and may I be, every day, more like Christ. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray. Amen.”

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