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Let my will be done

Let my will be done

The prayer is the most powerful weapon in a Christian’s life because it unites us with the Father and His will. In this way, we are guided by the Creator, with the aim of reaching the Kingdom, receiving all the other things we need.

However, have we prayed for the Father’s will or our own will to be done?

Ignored prayer

The Bible teaches us in various passages about the importance of praying and connecting with the Father, maintaining a relationship with Him.

We are instructed to present our requests to the Lord and to seek His will above all else.

I have often heard people rely on the passage from Matthew 7:8, which says, “For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Notice that the word says, “everyone who asks, receives.” It doesn’t say, “receives what they ask for”, but receives…

The problem is that if we don’t understand this detail in the phrase, we might become frustrated with some prayers, as if God were ignoring us.

Free to move

When God teaches us to pray the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6, there’s a part that says, “Your will be done.”

The meaning of the text in Matthew 7 is that our prayer should not turn into a restaurant menu request, where we get exactly what we ask for or can complain if something doesn’t come as we desire.

Prayer should be a way for us to seek God’s will, not our own. We ask for His presence, present our desires to Him, seek to understand His will, and through this, God has the freedom to move things according to what He desires for us.

We need to open the door and invite the Father to act as He wills in our lives, in every area.

From the Divine to the Earthly

“For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

1 Corinthians 3:9-11

We are directed to pray asking for His will to be done, but if it is already His will, why do we need to pray?

God calls us to a place of collaboration with Him and surrender to His will. He does not invade; He waits to be invited. God desires to sit and dine with us, but He will never come uninvited, taking any place at the table or being disrespectful to the environment.

You are loved, and God desires that you desire Him. All miracles have already been activated in the spiritual atmosphere and are just waiting for you to walk in God’s steps so that they may be released on Earth and poured out upon you.

May your prayer be an incessant quest for God’s face and His plans for you. Present your requests knowing that if you do not receive what you asked for, you will receive even more, for He cares for you!

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