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Just be yourself!

Just be yourself!

Have we done things to please others? Where’s our treasure? Have we sought the approval of men and women instead of the Lord’s approval?

God has spoken a lot to my heart about it and has shown me how I must seek only to please Him and no one else. We constantly do things to please other people and I would like to talk a little about this topic.

Come on?

God reveals our identity

I have been thinking a lot and learning a lot about character, about who I am and how I should act. In this adventure of getting to know myself better, I realize more and more that I can only clearly understand who I am, when I know my Father more and more.

It is no use wanting to discover, for myself, who I am, since I don’t even know what I need and don’t I was the one who grew up. I have a Creator who knows me, knows all my yearnings, all my struggles and knows more about me than I do myself.

“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,”

Genesis 1:26

Knowing that we are made in the image and likeness of the Lord, means that only He knows who we are and the only way to find out what we should do and what His plans are for our future, is by seeking Him. .

The focus is to please the Lord!

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

Galatians 1:10

Paul warns us about seeking the favor of men, that is, pleasing men instead of pleasing God. Unfortunately it is extremely common to leave aside our characteristics and our qualities, to shape our character according to a situation or a social group.

But why does that happen? This is just because we are proud and we want people’s tension, we want to be seen in front of society. We want to be known and have status. What stays in my mind is: do we really need this? Do we really need to be ashamed of who we are and try to insert new characteristics into our character?

The answer is no, for the simple fact that God’s plans are perfect and, knowing this, we can conclude that the characteristics that He placed in us are the most perfect. The characteristics that He placed in each of us are the characteristics that He himself will use to glorify To yourself.

Through Jesus, we have value!

“Why should I care about what others say, if the only person whose opinion really matters, looks at me and says that I am more valuable than all the jewels in this world?”

Transformed Ego Book – Timothy Keller

This is a phrase that marked my life greatly, because it made me open my eyes and realize that really nothing else matters, except to please the Lord and accomplish what He teaches me.

I confess that I often fail to please him, I have my struggles and difficulties. But I know that nothing is an excuse for me to stop trying to be more and more like Jesus. I live on Grace and Grace undeserved, such Grace that is renewed over me every morning, again, no matter how much I don’t deserve it.

So, if I received something that I didn’t deserve, there is nothing more fair than giving it due value. In the same way it works with our characteristics: we did not deserve to be created, but by the mercy of God here we are. So let us do it in His way.

Grace and peace.

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