It wasn’t free. Nothing Jesus did, nothing the Father poured out, was without value or cost.
We hear the word “grace” so much that we confuse it with something that doesn’t have a value or that doesn’t need a price to be paid. However, I emphasize, nothing in the Bible was free, but everything came through grace and because of it.
It is finished
“You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
1 Corinthians 6:20
You were bought at a price…
The cross was a delivery, a payment, so that God’s grace could reach everyone. I’m not saying that we can buy God, but rather that a cross price was paid for us to reach the Father.
We have so many mistakes, so many flaws and faults in our human configuration. Nothing we could do would be able to redeem and cleanse everything we have done, are doing and will still do. Nothing can purify us from our impure way of living except the grace of God.
This grace represents unconditional love. If this love is unconditional, the name itself already says that it does not need conditions to exist. The mercy and unmerited favor given by God to human beings are not based on our works.
Access to the Father
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”
Ephesians 2:8:9
His unmerited favor and His manifest kindness toward us go beyond our failures, sins, and limitations. They are gifts not earned through our merit, but given freely by God through Jesus Christ.
The fact that it is through Jesus and His grace does not mean that everything we have access to today did not have a price back then.
And it’s not because it was paid before, by the price of blood, that we should live in a careless way today. The debt was paid on the cross so that today we could have access and strive to become more and more like Christ, having the certainty and tranquility that we are loved above any condition throughout this process.
God, through His grace, pours mercy upon us, enabling and transforming us each day. Because of it, we can grow spiritually and handle any obstacles we encounter on the way. It is through it that we can seek a deeper relationship with God.
You are son!
“And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works. If it were, grace would no longer be grace.”
Romans 11:6
We often confuse the term ‘grace’ and fail to grasp the profound value it holds.
It was only possible for a high price to be paid through God’s grace because, without it, nothing in the world would be able to cover it. God is the owner of all gold and silver; He reigns over everything and everyone. Our efforts would not reach His feet if it weren’t for His abundant grace, mercy, unconditional, and eternal love.
May we truly value this payment. We were bought with the price of blood. Someone sacrificed, suffered, and died for us so that we could have access to the Father. Moreover, this someone was resurrected. This is the purest and clearest manifestation of God’s grace, lifting us from darkness to the highest place.
Through grace, you have been reconciled and received eternal life. Live in gratitude for this. It has elevated us to the position of children of the Creator.