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I don’t know the exact moment when you matured, when you realized that it was necessary to grow up.

In each season of our lives, we learn something that shapes and transforms us. We learn so many things simultaneously and end up not giving everything its due value.

Time to grow

“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”

1 Corinthians 13:11

I started working at 13 years old. I helped at a stationery store on the avenue near my house.

It wasn’t my parents’ desire, and they only allowed it because they saw that it was my desire to have my own money and learn. As the owner of the place was a friend of theirs, I was able to go in to help her.

I did various tasks, some days cleaning to maintain the environment, receiving new merchandise, among many other things that, even though they seemed small, made me grow a lot.

I matured very early. Since that age, I knew the value of my money and my work, I had my responsibilities, and I bought my own things, even though I still didn’t pay the house bills.

The funniest thing about this time is that the closer I was to independence, the more I learned about dependence.

Spiritually matured

“In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!”

Hebrews 5:12

When we are close to wealth, we understand more about scarcity. In that moment when we are closest to lack, we learn about abundance. The more independent we are, the more dependent we become on God.

My biggest difficulty in life is depending on people, understanding that just because I know how to do something alone doesn’t mean I should do it.

Having the cognitive capacity to decide on something alone does not mean that I have enough wisdom to do it without guidance from God.

In my moments of independence, God continually teaches me how I need to depend on Him and His wisdom. Alone, I get somewhere, but with God and the people He has placed around me, I get further.

Everything is for Him!

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.”

2 Peter 3:18

God will always want to teach you about responsibility, dependence, and strength. But all this under His word: the Word of life and grace, in the moments when we least expect to learn.

You are not just learning what is obvious; He teaches you in several different details.

If you are in your moment of greatest independence, in whatever area, it is now that God will teach you much more about depending on Him and His grace in that same area.

He does this so that you understand that everything comes from Him and returns to Him. You won’t get very far by distancing yourself from the Lord’s ways.

Depend completely on God’s mercy and care. No matter how much you know something and have the ability to walk alone, your own strength will fail at some point. Your focus may weaken and your hope may fade.

But, when we establish our lives in the Lord, we also have His inexhaustible peace, grace, love, and wisdom within us.

You are capable because He empowers you. Allow Him to act!

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