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Get out of the boat!

Get out of the boat!

When we hear the word “worship,” one of the first things that comes to mind is music, praising in songs.

But it’s not just that. We can worship Him in songs and melodies, but worship is a lifestyle and holds a much deeper meaning. We need to worship Him beyond the comfort of the boat.

Complete delivery

The first mention of the word “worship” is found in Genesis 22, verse 5, where God instructs Abraham to take his only son, Isaac, to offer him as a sacrifice: “He said to his servants, ‘Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”

This initial mention of “worship” was associated with an offering, not a song. To worship means to be in complete devotion.

This absolute surrender can occur through a song, but it is also evident in our decisions, the steps we take, the way we speak, act, and love.

We can engage in various activities, but what characterizes an action as worship is the act of surrender. When we give something to the Lord, pour out everything at His feet, and submit it to His power, we are worshipping Him.

Path to the extraordinary

“Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.”

Psalm 2:11

Playing a song proficiently is not inherently worship, but when we offer our hearts in the process, it becomes genuine worship to Him. Fear ought to be present in our lives to guide and fortify us, leading our spirits to truly praise Him and surrender.

The Bible teaches that God is spirit, and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth, with words being unnecessary.

This is how we encounter the extraordinary; this is the path to experiencing God’s greatest miracles—by placing complete trust in Him.

God grants us promises every day that remain steadfast and are always fulfilled. It is our responsibility to transform these promises into strong alliances with the Lord.

There will be provision

“The fire and wood are here,’ Isaac said, ‘but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?’. Abraham answered: “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.’ And the two of them went on together.”

Genesis 22:7-8

Abraham exemplified unwavering faith; God was his rock and firm foundation in all aspects of life. Despite his old age, God promised him that he would become the father of nations—a promise that was ultimately fulfilled.

Imagine the turmoil Abraham must have experienced when confronted with seemingly conflicting directives from God. On one hand, God promised him descendants as numerous as the stars, yet on the other hand, he was instructed to sacrifice his only son, Isaac.

In such a situation, it’s understandable that confusion might prevail. How could Abraham fulfill God’s promise of multitudes if he were to sacrifice his sole heir, who was still young?

Yet, Abraham’s faith remained steadfast. He didn’t require full comprehension to maintain his unwavering trust in God. He understood that if God had made a promise, He would undoubtedly fulfill it.

Go to the sea!

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water’. ‘Come,’ He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.”

Matthew 14:28-29

There’s no denying that Abraham’s heart must have been filled with anguish and fear in that pivotal moment, but his reverence for the Lord outweighed any apprehension he felt. He had unwavering faith that divine provision would come from above.

Courage and faith do not entail the absence of fear; rather, they encompass an abundance of both fear and faith—an earnest desire to worship Him. Stepping out of the boat is where God’s voice is heard, where true worship resides.

Abraham could have chosen to remain in the safety of the boat, within the confines of his home, alongside his son and wife. However, he understood that the magnitude of God’s grace would only be fully realized if he stepped out in faith. By embracing confidence and relinquishing everything, he centered his focus on God’s promise.

In this bold act, he embarked on an extraordinary journey and witnessed the boundless mercy and grace of God, remaining steadfast in His covenant. God spared Isaac’s life, rejoicing in the devotion of His servant and the depth of his adoration.

Today, you may not know what sacrifices lie ahead, but step out in confidence. Trust that God will empower you to walk on water!

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