I’m going to start today’s post by asking a question: Have you been enjoying the moments that God has given you, or do you spend most of them worrying about the future and what’s to come?
“So, don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow worries about itself. Your own evil is enough every day. ”
Matthew 6:34
We live in a chaotic and very busy world. Many things happen around us and we are pressured in various ways, so this leads us to be anxious and concerned about what is to come. But is that what God wants for our lives?
Why do we care?
The Bible tells us (1 Thessalonians 5:23) that we are the fusion of body (soma), soul (psyche) and spirit (pneuma). Therefore, we can conclude that we are divided between what is heavenly and what is earthly. In our minds we have thoughts placed by God and coming from ourselves.
”And he said: What comes out of man, that is what contaminates man. Because evil thoughts, adulteries, prostitution, homicides, thefts, greed, mischief, deceit, dissolution, envy, blasphemy, pride, madness come out of men’s hearts. ”
Mark 7: 20-22
In this passage, Jesus clearly shows us that everything that comes from us (human mind) contaminates and disturbs us. Therefore, if we make room for carnal thinking, we will be increasingly concerned with things that do not matter and we will not be able to enjoy what God has given us.
God’s plans
“ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah’s text tells us about the wonders that God has prepared for us.
Now let’s go deeper: We know that our God is timeless, that is, He is not in a specific period of time, but in everyone at the same time. He was not created, He simply is; He is the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega (Revelation 1: 8). Just as the Word of God is also timeless. Regardless of the time we are living in, the Word will remain.
Therefore, if God and His Word are timeless, it means that we will not only live wonders, coming from Him for us, as we are already living. We have already experienced the wonders of God.
Right now we are living the best that God had set aside for our lives. We are exactly where God wanted us to be.
So …
So I want to ask you something, my dear brother or sister: stop any other activity you are doing and enjoy the moment that God has given you. Look around and give thanks for the good things (friends, family, animals, objects), give thanks to Him for another day of life, for your health, etc.
Enjoy what God has given you, for you are exactly where He wanted you to be.
Grace and Peace.
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