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Dial Jesus

Dial Jesus

Prayer is not an emergency call we make when an accident happens or when we need to be heard.

Seeking the Lord during difficult times demonstrates trust and love, but if we do not seek Him when things are going well, then prayer becomes merely a moment of desperation.


Prayer is not just a means by which we obtain what we want from God. He does instruct us to ask for what our hearts desire, but more than that, we need to align our dreams with His.

It must be the way through which God receives from us what He wants.

To pray is to connect heaven and earth, with the intention that God’s will be done in our lives, not for the earth to have dominion over heaven.

Sometimes, your prayer is not being answered because it is trying to dominate God.

The Bible says that the One who was taken and died as a lamb (Isaiah 53:3-7) will return as a roaring lion over the nations (Revelation 5:1-5). It is not easy to tame a lion. He is the One who reigns, and His authority is over everything and everyone.

Follow Plan A

Try to use your daily prayer moments to connect with God and understand His will for you. Do not use this time to try to change the Lord.

When Jesus was being crucified, He expressed His will on the way to the cross, in Matthew 26:39: “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me…”

The Son expressed His desire not to endure all that suffering and pain. God calls us to present to Him the desires of our hearts, just as Christ always did.

But the verse ends with Jesus saying: “…Yet not as I will, but as You will.”

It’s as if He were asking: “Father, if there is a Plan B that can spare me from this suffering, let it be so. But above all, let Your will be done, and if I must go through this, I will face it with You.” This is the balance: not letting our will exclude God’s will.

Big dreams

“Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6:8-10

Prayer needs to lead us to the center of God’s will, even if it begins with us sharing our desires with Him.

Trust the Lord with the desires that cry out in your heart, but do not let those voices overshadow the voice of the Father.

He hears your heart even before you speak. But He wants you to trust Him to share your dreams and desires, and an even greater trust to give Him the freedom to act and to wait patiently for His timing.

May you know when to speak to the Lord and when to listen to Him, the moment to present your plans and the moment to fully trust His plans. Do not try to control the greatness of God with your small dreams; allow yourself to be guided by His big dreams.

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