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Cursed dreams

Cursed dreams

I’ve read a lot about frustrated dreams, when we think that God doesn’t care about what our heart desires and does everything to do the opposite. Only later do I realize how this is a response from a spoiled child.

We do not seek to understand the Father’s will and where it will lead us. We spend our time questioning why our dream didn’t happen, without seeing the wonders that were possible to be experienced in place of that interrupted plan.

Zealous Father

No, God doesn’t want to see you cry. In fact, I believe that it hurts the Lord, as a Father, to see His children suffering for something that did not happen. But He knows what’s best for you.

Not only does He know what is best for us, He also knows the best way.

I’m talking about this because there is a big difference between not getting what you want and not getting it the way you want.

Sometimes God is not denying you what you dream of. But He may be saying “no” to the way you are trying. There are dreams that are not good for you, even if you don’t see any dangers in them now. But there are those dreams that are good, yet we try in the wrong way and end up pushing them away from us while we fight to grab them in our own way.


More than looking for where God wants to take you, look for the way He wants you to do it. Make decisions based on the word of the Lord so that you don’t lose your identity by trying to pursue the wrong thing, in the wrong way, and at the wrong time.

In many moments, the Lord will not tell you where He wants you to go, as He has already deposited wisdom and discernment upon you through His living word, so that you know how to decide and walk without straying from the plans that He has for you.

God’s silence is not the absence of help, as He has already left you with a perfect and complete guide. Many times He is silent, wanting to see how you will decide without Him having to tell you again the direction that is already written in the Bible.

The best gift

Don’t let correct and good dreams become curses by trying to achieve them through a crooked path.

Understand your dream, its root, and objective. Present it to the Father with a devoted heart, eager to obey Him above all else. Listen, read, and follow Him.

Prepare for what you pray for and receive it in the best way. The right thing becomes wrong when we seek it in the wrong way and at the wrong time. It hurts to have to give up a dream you wanted so much, but it would hurt even more to have it the wrong way, without being prepared and matured to have it. God frees us from greater pain.

Therefore, God made Himself available to us and gave us His unchanging word as a gift. The Bible brings stories to teach us how to walk in a wise and directed way through them.

The Lord has a perfect time for everything and a perfect way for everything to happen better than we can imagine or dream.

Sometimes a frustrated dream is the best gift God can give you!

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