Dealing with nervous people is not easy, maybe you are one of them yourself. However, the word of God teaches us how to deal with different kinds of people as... read more →
Have you lived with someone who is very nervous? It is not easy, is it? There are people who are like that, and there are others who are just nervous... read more →
In last week's Friday text we talked about God's word being the last and most important. After all, how many times have you found yourself in a situation that seemed... read more →
How many times have you found yourself in a situation that seemed to have no way out? Well I can guess that not a few, we all go through times... read more →
Have you ever felt inferior or self-pitying, felt that everyone was judging you, but in fact none of it was real. As human beings we sometimes have inferiority complex and... read more →
It is difficult to find someone who says that life is perfect, there is always one or another thing that could be better, some area of life that needs more... read more →
Today I would like to share something about the relationship between generosity and eternity. God wants to teach us to live with eyes that can see far beyond what is... read more →
Our Father is the unshakable rock and as it is written in Psalm 125, those who trust in the Lord are like the mountain of Zion that is not shaken.... read more →
How beautiful is this verse from Psalm 125, isn't it? In Portuguese this Psalm has become a hymn that I like very much and it goes like this: "Those who... read more →
These days a very dear friend of mine passed away, a person who lived to serve and in whom the image of Christ was reflected in every attitude. All my... read more →