As you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.2 Corinthians 1:1-11... read more →
We are approaching Easter, such an important date for us Christians, where our Savior died for us on the cross, freeing us from the bonds of sin. And today I... read more →
Today I want to pray with you for the falling of the walls in our lives. Sometimes we may feel that we can't go any further, that something is holding... read more →
These days I can't sleep, and I was thinking about how many times we have insomnia and say we don't understand why, and sometimes we just don't want to admit... read more →
Crying can sometimes be good, but we know that it isn't always... so many times we have a lump in our throat that doesn't seem to go away, the world... read more →
Today I want to pray for a delicate subject in a world where we are encouraged to think only about ourselves, which is humility. So many times we don't inflate... read more →
In the last few days we have been talking about healing here on the blog and today I want to pray for health to continue standing firm, fulfilling the purpose... read more →
We are called to be children, but how often by our pride, arrogance and sinful nature, we decide to go our own way, without asking the Father's direction, trusting that... read more →
Today we will pray for constancy, so necessary in our lives, because without it we won't build anything, nor will we get anywhere. In the Bible we find countless stories... read more →