The other day I wrote here about fears that we develop as children and sometimes accompany us into adulthood, be it the night, abandonment, need, sickness… Anyway, you are not... read more →
Today I want to join you in a prayer of adoration and gratitude, to bring to mind all that our good God has already done for us. After all, we... read more →
Generosity is a powerful tool of connection as we wrote these days around here, which is essential for all areas of our lives, whether in the church, at work, or... read more →
What is the help or care from God that you need? We live in a world of 7.874 billion people and each one is going through a different struggle, has... read more →
The other day we wrote here about store up treasures in heaven, we saw that despite the importance of our work and projects, we must also keep in mind where... read more →
We are the salt of the earth, and we can't lose the flavor, we can't forget what our mission is, and we need to fight for it. I want to... read more →
Our Father is the unshakable rock and as it is written in Psalm 125, those who trust in the Lord are like the mountain of Zion that is not shaken.... read more →
These days I wrote a text about the importance of remembering that those who have been renewed in Christ do not belong on earth, but in heaven, with our Father,... read more →
This week I wrote a text about how we should not live our lives in a hurry, much less comparing ourselves to others, because each person has a time and... read more →
In the last text I wrote about the importance of putting on the armor of God to prepare us for battle, whether it occurs within ourselves, when it is against... read more →