Beloved Father, we begin this new year with hearts eager to seek You more deeply and consistently. We acknowledge that all we have and are comes from You. Therefore, we... read more →
The Word is a Source of Life and Wisdom. Reading the Bible daily is essential for maintaining a healthy spiritual life. Jesus declared: "Man shall not live on bread alone,... read more →
Many times we are afraid of not feeling up to the positions and challenges given to us, we forget who is the God who enables us and thinking about this,... read more →
We are sinners and failures, so shame before God's presence can so often come upon us, but let me let you in on a secret… did you know that our... read more →
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and... read more →
These days I heard this phrase from the title of a friend and it was kept in my heart. So I decided to look more closely at God for what... read more →
We often confuse what is fundamental with what is essential. And this is very dangerous for the progress of our spiritual life, as we end up losing focus. There are... read more →
These days I was looking at some posts on social media and came across the text of Acts 3. This passage tells the story of a miracle performed in the... read more →
Today I brought you a thought about the miracle of healing the paralytic for our series of miracles of Jesus. We can often see this story focusing on one person... read more →
Have you ever eaten a food without salt? If the answer is yes, you know how bland and totally different flavor it is without it. And that's what I want... read more →