Beloved Father, we begin this new year with hearts eager to seek You more deeply and consistently. We acknowledge that all we have and are comes from You. Therefore, we... read more →
The Word is a Source of Life and Wisdom. Reading the Bible daily is essential for maintaining a healthy spiritual life. Jesus declared: "Man shall not live on bread alone,... read more →
We are sinners and failures, so shame before God's presence can so often come upon us, but let me let you in on a secret… did you know that our... read more →
Since I can remember, most people talk about the return of Christ in a frightening way, filled with fear. I have reverence for that day, but the fear has ceased... read more →
In the previous text I brought you a phrase that appeared several times in some dreams I had. Today I want to use this space to pray for clarity. Just... read more →
It's been a while since we've had a prayer moment around here, hasn't it? Prayer is an opportunity to show our feelings to God and for God. We can use... read more →
Much has been said about revival. Either because of a wish for it to happen or because of the recent occasions like the Asbury university subject which is on the... read more →
IT'S REAL: Regardless of the situation you've been living, know that God is enough! Life is made up of many seasons. There are moments of great changes, in which cycles... read more →
During our days, many situations arise that leave us in conflict about how we should act and position ourselves. Proverbs 4:23 says: “Above all else, guard your heart, for out... read more →
We can often feel small and think that what we have to offer to God is little and insufficient. But remember that Lazarus received new life when he died, when... read more →