December would never be complete without a beautiful retrospective of our year in the Bible Offline. These were great times with each of you. So many moments of reading God’s Word, plans, devotionals and new learning here in this blog.
I confess that I grew a lot myself in 2019, either in my understanding of the Bible or Christianity itself. I know I’ve grown a lot internally too and I’m sure the Bible Offline has cooperated a lot for it, as it must have cooperated for all of you reading here and using the app every day. Even though it was a small verse read, I am sure that the Word, which is living and effective, served to bring confrontation and comfort.
A few numbers
In all, we had 439 million verses underlined with color markers this year, 28.4 million shared verses, 68 million chapters read, and 40 million audio downloads of Bible chapters. Despite such large numbers, as a brother in Christ, I want to bother me and everyone who is reading.
We have approximately 65 million Protestant Christians among almost 210 million inhabitants in Brazil. On a basic account we can see that God’s word could have been even more shared. We cannot forget our mission as Christians, brothers! We must share the Word of God to the fullest with our brethren and those who have not yet known Christ.
It’s a warning that by 2020 we can reach the end with at least twice as many shared verses! Right!?

The blog retrospective
I would never let this text pass without mentioning the meetings we had here on this blog throughout the year. For those who didn’t know yet, my name is Marcelo Brandão and I’ve been here all year writing for you.
The first text I posted was “Fasting: Am I Doing Right?” On February 28th. Since then, I wrote weekly about the things God put in my heart and we had a total of 102 texts written (in Portuguese and English)!
Do you believe that in all, we received an average of 6,000 comments on these texts? Of course, I imagine some have commented more than once. But you have no idea how happy I am to think that this is the minimum number of people who were impacted in any way through the things that were posted here! Knowing that the number of people impacted, apart from those who commented, is much larger. I thank and glorify God for having such an opportunity!
My favorites
And finally, I could not fail to cite my favorite texts here as well. Those where I could see more results with my own eyes and also those that brought me the feeling of greater productivity. Take a look at my Top 5 Blogposts below:
1st – There’s still time – It was certainly my favorite text, in it we look at everything God has done in the year and talk about how we can fix our spiritual life in small things with God.
2nd – A study about Jonah – I think it was the longest study and I spent the most time writing. I was almost a whole day just writing it! I could see how people had a clearer understanding of the biblical text and God’s forgiveness through it.
3rd – Do you live a shallow Christianity? – Perhaps this was not one of the most developed texts. However, it is third in my top 5 for directly impacting a young girl’s life. After reading the text, the girl came to me to chat on social networks. After that, he found me in a ministry. We had a conversation in person and I saw it reconciling with Jesus before my eyes.
4th – Where is your heart at? – A testimonial about my life and how I ended up here on this blog. The number of emails received after this post was appalling. What makes me happier, however, is that he served to bring to my church a woman who didn’t even know Jesus. Today almost your entire family is baptized and congregating in my church!
5th – Do not force the gospel! – “I have no special reason to like this fifth.” But I believe it is a teaching that I have been trying to apply to my daily life, so it gets my fifth place!
If you want to know more about our year or have questions about the app, send your emails to Also follow @BibliaJFA‘s on instagram!
If you want to chat directly with the author, search on instagram for the user @zmbrandao!
Thank you for doing such a great job this whole year may God use you more and more may the Grace of God be apon you
Sometimes we are left down and out and it makes us feel al alone but than the Word of God just come and enter our Spirit and fill us with so much Hope some people may never understand the Word until it becomes a reality in their lives only the Word can inlighten their minds
A Blessed day to all keep on spreading the good news 🙌
God Bless You!!
Thanks for the amazing Bible app.
Use it (read it) every day for a few years now.
It is always a blessing to me!
Read almost every blog, and always feel Holly Spirit speaking right into my heart!
Blessings to everyone on this Cristmass season, and coming New Year!
Leave does not follow a denomination one follows Jesus.see Jacky Juliyans video.time us running need to know Jesus not just of Him.see Jan boscoffs testimony too full baptism in water is in needed not just a sprinkleling.
GOD bless
A great year it has been.
God bless your good works. Amen
Ea days worldly ways surround & compels if not emptied of self & relying on Gods faithful will from the womb. Daily His will guides & protecects design His wisdom calls in & nvr comes back void for our best, hope & future! Listen, trust His lead an awesome part of daily dominion& promised victory💓
Happy Festives. God Bless and let the Almighty add you more Wisdom.
Hello. I grew up in a Christian practicing home. It all made sense to me. Later on in life, I got introduced to the Assemblies Of Yahweh…which made even more sense to me. AOY does teach from the Bible with quite a difference in it’s teachings. Right now I am in a bit of confusion as far as the origins of holidays that are major in the Christian world, such as Christmas and Easter inwhich the Bible clearly condemns as pagan holidays and shouldn’t be practiced by Christian’s and, the ONE name given unto man by which he can be saved. Speaking of Jesus…Yahshua is one name, Jesus is another. These are TWO different names even though they identify the same person. The confusion goes on and on. So, what is the input?
Dear Sir, be careful not to leave the truth on account of other people not keeping to it. God loves you, wishes to walk with you. His Word is a light unto our path. And he will hold each one of us accountable for what we have done. If there are discrepancies between the Bible and what the body of Christ is doing, we can shine our light and create awareness of false practice.
On your other point, i must confess i am not as much informed, but know that Jesus called himself ‘I Am’ , the truth the way the life, the bread of life, Yaweh/Jesus that came to die for us. As much as the name is important, the Who behind the name is more, just as many on earth might bare that name, the who behind it is where the absolute power lies. Blessings to you!!
WITH the worldly ways daily surrounding ea second, I find if u don’t empty u of u daily u can easily become part of it! GODS MERCY& FORGIVING GRACE HAS COVERED me from the womb & never ceases to Amaze me! Daily His word leads to His Glory & blesses me to look @ flock He has for me to be an example with His will NOT mine… may each of us remember,it’s Him 1st,His will & He will givu what He determines for you,LISTEN🕆🕊 Get it WHOLEHEARTEDLY, ITS HIS WILL FO YO SOUL!!!✡💓🕆🕊
God bless you and your hard work! So many of your messages have lifted my spirit this year! I know you look forward to the day we can hear our Savior say “well done good and faithful servant”. May this new year bring more viewers brought to Christ because of your work.
May God Almighty bless this website for sending me my bible reading every day in Jesus name AMEN
First time I leave a comment here and just read that a lot of people don’t say much here. Maybe it’s because once we read our daily message we reflect on the word of God and try to incorporate his words of comfort and wisdom to others around us. I love how the message I get from our Lord seems to be about the trials that we’re encountering that day and the message comforts me and gives me strength and hope. With that being said…. I leave you all with peace and love to you and yours and may the love and the light that is associated with knowing our Lord Jesus Christ shine on you and your hearts. God Bless you all! Peace
Nice Bible offline i love it so much
This is very exellent job well done we all need god in our lifes
Having the Bible off line has been a huge blessing to me. Our heavenly Daddy has spoken so much to me through His word. This last year has been such an enormous struggle in many ways but my phone will constantly ping at times as another encouraging verse comes through.
At this time of year when we celebrate the birth of our beautiful Lord Jesus, it’s evident that the world looks at this time of year more from a commercial basis other than the real reason, that Jesus was born as a saviour to us all. It gives me greater encouragement to tell people the real reason why we celebrate Christmas.
May God bless you all and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you, may He be gracious to you and may He turn His face towards you and give you peace. Xx
God bless you brother, I always like reading all your blogs. The one that most inspire me is A Study about Jonah, I promise to teach it also in my church so that a lot of Christians will also benefit from it just like me. Thanks very much, and keep up the good work. May Almighty God continue to strengthen you and empower you more in Jesus name Amen!
Hello Msrcelo
You are a born preacher, Counsellor and leader. Thank you for blessing me this year with a more understanding of the Bible.
Much love from Norway
Hi Brandon. Thank you so much for every blog. It has touched my heart and helped me with real life issues. It’s given me understanding to deal with certain things. 2019 has been a good year..learning and growing and watching God bring such wonderful changes in my life. I’m blessed to be apart of this. May God bless you and keep you. 2020 is going to be a blessed and beautiful year for us all..i Declare and Decree it in Jesus Name ♥ Have a Christ filled Christmas 🎄
How do i know how to fast? & when should I fast and why? Again how can I offer my tithes when am a business person and sometimes businesses changes n economic and financial status is high and keeps changing everyday. Want to know about fasting and tithes please 🙏
I can only say beautiful, beautiful, beautif2 work. Certainly, the master will say to you: Weldone good and faithful servant.
My life haven’t remained the same ever since i started reading online Bible, may the good Lord bless you all
I love you Lord !