“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.“
Mark 16:15
We know that Christ left us a mission: to bring the Good News (the Gospel) to all people. But whats is the best way to do this? How to spread the gospel to friends and strangers?
There is no correct way to evangelize. But today, we will give you some tips on practical steps that can help you in evangelization!
What does evangelize mean?
Before we talk about this topic, the meaning of it must be cristal clear in our minds.
According to the dictionary, evangelizing is: converting (someone) to religion, preaching the Gospel, spreading the constant word of the Gospel. We know that we don’t have the power to convert anyone, because the one who converts is the Holy Spirit. We just plant the seed of the Gospel in the hearts of people.
So what would be the true meaning of evangelizing? Evangelize is to talk about Jesus for other people. It is to present the essence of God and show people what He has done for us. To show that the only way for someone to be saved is to recognize and repent of their sins and accept Christ as their only Lord and Savior.
Okay. Now that we know what Evangelizing means, let’s get to the tips!
1 – Study the Bible every day!
We know that the Bible is our guide. Therefore, we will not be able to evangelize if we do not read and study the Bible.
Have a constant and daily reading of the Bible. This way, the biblical content will be kept in your mind. At the moment of evangelization, you will have an easier time to speak and, moreover, the probability of the person asking a question that you do not know the answer, is lower.
Study about the New Testament. The book of Acts and the letters of the apostles tell us a lot about evangelism and how to lead our spiritual lives.
2 – First of all, Pray!
We know that prayer is the way we have to communicate with God. So, if we are going to talk about God to people, nothing better than talking to Him before talking about Him.
Before any evangelistic action, pray asking God for direction and that He shows you who to talk to and what words to use.
Prayer is not a moment where only we speak, but a dialogue between us and God! Don’t leave this important step behind. Not only in moments of evangelism, but throughout your life.
3 – Share your testimony!
Often, when talking to people about Jesus, we do not know what to say and how to speak. But we have a prepared script, within ourselves: Our testimony.
There is no one better than you to tell the things that God has done in your life. So, not just when you don’t know what to say, but every time you go to evangelize someone, tell your testimony. Show the person what God has done in your life. How the Lord has transformed you.
“But I never strayed from God’s ways, I don’t have a testimony to tell!” This is a big lie that we tell ourselves. It is not because you have never strayed from the Lord’s ways that you do not have a testimony to tell.
We all have a testimony, and the mere fact that you never strayed is already a great victory for God in your life, and it shows His care for you. Stop, look and think about all the things the Lord has already done for you … without a doubt you have something special to tell!
4 – Be tame!
“My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power,”
1 Corinthians 2:4
The apostle Paul gives us an important message about speaking about Jesus. We must be loving and show who God is with our lives and the power of the Holy Spirit. Do not put pressure on people, as this will make them uncomfortable and make them not listen to what you have to say.
We need to understand that we don’t have the power to convert anyone! As stated at the beginning of the text, we are just tools in the hands of God. Our role is to plant the seed of the gospel of Jesus in people’s hearts and let the Holy Spirit do His work.
Grace and Peace.
Follow the JFA Bible on social media: @bibliajfa. If you have not yet downloaded our app, just search for “Bible Offline” by Mr Rocco in the app stores (Google Play Store and Apple App Store).
Great tips for evangelism, we also have to have Christ like attitude as we are ambassadors of Christ.
I am one of the people mentioned in this article who isn’t immediately aware of a testimony to share with people…some thing I know God has done for me or in me. I hadn’t thought of me not having straying from God as being down to God’s goodness . I’ve thought it was my doing so I pray that He shows me this is His doing, and not just down to me. My trust is not always in Jesus to keep me; I think probably that is straying from him ( his will for me)
My brother in law came to visit and somehow the conversation became about religion and faith, so I told him that I study the Bible to follow Jesus’ example, to be closer to God, and ultimately, to gain salvation.
He really got interested and started asking many, many questions, and he mentioned that he read some scripture here and there…But I think my testimony opened up his mind and a seed was planted in him.
He downloaded the Bible app and he reads it daily, and asks me questions, and we exchange the word of God.
I truly believe that God has a purpose for all of us, so I’m always happy to share the word of God to whoever has the thirst for it
Hi Miguel, that’s great! More grace to you and your brother in law! I just want to mention that, we gain salvation by believing and confessing with our mouth at said in Romans 10:9-10. So reading the Bible after that is to build a stronger relationship with God and know how to protect that salvation you have received. Remember also in Ephesians 2:8-9, it simply means that we can’t do anything “workable” to get salvation. God bless you
Remember it’s ALL to GODS Glory & He shall DIRECT our path for His BELOVED SON was sent to save the world NOT to condemn…every soul is important to Him with a pure heart. We as sheep headed for slaughter are ALL worth his leaving flock to save 1! Be an example for He is leading, listening&watching
Very very True n absolutely useful.. Thk u
Thank you for words of wisdom! I have a friend whom I’ve spoken to about scripture and reading the bible. She advised me she didn’t want to feel pressured or interested in hearing about scripture. I told her I understand, but when she is ready, please read the bible and if she would like I can share my testimony with her. I didn’t want to force her because we cannot force a person to accept God’s words of truth. They must accept Him and His words of there own free will. Please keep my friend Joy in your prayers.
The truth be told it him the almighty father God that said he will draw all men to him and only he can do it for sure No doubt about that he and him only
However, dear Charles, He’s doing this through us. (1 Corinthians 3:9)
Thanks, I was very down but after reading pslm 48,I am now goog
Thanks, may God bless you. U make my day special always even when I’m down spiritually
Thanks, may God bless you
This is very helpful, I’m sharing with a friend who may no understand how well to evangelise. God bless you more for this insight.
Thanks for the great insight. Really inspiring.
Thank you Jesus for the wonderful work you done in my life and in the life of my family!!
I would like to join
Thank you for this message it came at the right time in my life.
May God’s grace be with you always
My question is how am I able to get the direction when I have got something to say
This is a due word in due season. My church has been teaching on the mandate of evangelism in the last one month. Sharing this the church will help with the practical.
God bless the writer
Victoria. E
God bless u
Thank you. This is very helpful
Awesome and powerful tips. I have copied them on my notebook to help me. I really wanted this. Thank you so much, and may God continue to bless you abundantly.
Greetings.How can I answer someone who says I must prove historically that Jesus is not a myth made up to control people religiously.or that Christianity on it’s own has been used in the past to enslave people and it’s a forced religion.and someone who says what if there’s other ways to get to God besides Christ alone.because Christ being the only way is just written only in the bible and nowhere else,also that there is historical prove that some scriptures have been excluded from the bible as we know it,therefore what truth is there to trust of the bible when some of the information is omitted.
You do not have to prove such things through the way the world proves them. You prove it by your own love for Christ in the way you walk with Him. When people encounter those who walk with Christ they are either desiring of the same peace and joy that comes along with that, thus bringing them to Him and their own change through Him, or they will build a bigger wall leading to death. You cannot control that choice they make. All you can do is continue your own walk with Him and not let your focus slip. The rest is in God’s hands…trust Him.
Check out the Creation Museum, it has a lot of good stuff about this. Hope God continues to work in the person
Thanks for this important writing.
God bless you.
Jesus is not a myth at all. All things relating to Him were prophecied many years ago and all perfectly fulfilled, for example, Isaiah 7:14 & Matthew 1:22-25. You can Google more.
Date worldwide is written according to His manifestation. AD (Anno Domini) and BC (Before Christ). He is Lord of all.
Jesus is the only person who has risen from the dead. No other god people serve has risen from the dead. Actually the people men regard as a god, would have slept one day and never woke up again.
Christianity is not some philosophy being used to manipulate and control people. Everything in the Bible are both historically and scientifically proven.
I realized that fear prevent us from doing the will of God
I want to learn more about this please
Great blog. Thanks for the tips.