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Why know God’s will?

(EXTRA) Why know God’s will?

God has so many desires and dreams for your life. So many projects and accomplishments to shower on you.

We constantly seek to know what these dreams are. But have you ever stopped to think about why you want to know God’s will for your life?

We try to suit the Creator

But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well

Luke 12:31

At times I found myself asking this, thinking my curiosity had to do with how much I cared about God and His thoughts about me. But I noticed that I often ask His will because I care too much about myself.

We think we are seeking the Lord, but in certain situations we use Him as a means and not as an objective.

We begin to see God as an amulet, to use Him as a ladder to reach places we dream of. Trying to adapt the Creator of everything to our own creation.

Remember: He is Life itself

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

He is not the way for you to get something you want so badly. He is not the bridge to the life you want to have. He is your life.

In some moments we think that the Lord forgot to tell only to us what He dreams for us. All the people around us seem to know and be living the promises and we don’t. But many times we are the ones who stop our walk when we don’t recognize the Lord as our goal, as someone we must fight for to be closer. Sometimes we just want to use Him to get to another target.

The works He has called you to do are not to get you to heaven, they are to bring heaven to earth!

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