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What is your purpose?

What is your purpose?

I would like to start this text by emphasizing that there is purpose in everything that God does and from the moment you accept Jesus as your only savior, you are already fulfilling one of the Lord’s greatest purposes for your life, because now He can use you for His work.

The word purpose has its origin in Latin and is the intention to do or not do something, being synonymous with design, purpose, intention, objective and prudence. In general, we use it to define the meaning of our existence.

But, after all, do you know what the Bible says about purpose and what is God’s plan for your life? I invite you to reflect with me and to understand a little better what the scriptures say on this subject.

What does the Bible say about purpose? 

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.

Colossians 1:16

Throughout Holy Scripture it is revealed that it all comes down to God’s plan! The Father created everything through and for Him, as written in the above verse. Thus, the purpose is described in the Bible as living according to the Lord’s plans, because once you are outside the center of God’s will, life follows a tortuous path, which brings weight and condemnation.

We are mere humans and we only exist because the Lord desires, it is essential that we understand this in order to find our way. Understanding that you were created to serve the Kingdom of the Father and to be a vessel of blessings is essential to living what is purpose according to the Bible.

Being at the center of God’s will

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

When we are walking in the plans that God has for us, he works in our lives, giving clarity of thoughts and showing how we should act. The Lord is sovereign and wants to show you His purposes.

I know many people who are frustrated because they don’t know their purpose and I would like to say that all you need to do is ask God what He wants you to do and He will show you.


But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

Ephesians 4:7

Recently, a friend who, hypothetically, we will call Bruna, told me how she discovered her purpose. She told me that she felt bad about not having great functions in the church, as she saw friends with gifts in many areas around her, but she still didn’t understand what her area was.

One day, Bruna went to a service where the pastor interceded for girls who were having problems with self-esteem and asked them to stand up for him to pray. Four girls got up, but the minister only saw three, because there were a lot of people in the place.

The fourth was sitting next to my friend and seemed very shy but she certainly needed that prayer and the pastor ended up not identifying her, the fragile young woman was so sad that she started to cry.

At that moment, Bruna understood her purpose, God called her to intercede for people that from the pulpit she would not see. I believe that my friend’s testimony shows that there is no lesser or greater function, the church is the body of Christ where all members are important.


A Christian’s greatest purpose is to serve God, no matter what function or area. God wants to use us for His work and if you haven’t discovered your area yet, ask Him to show you. As I wrote in a text recently, our level of satisfaction reflects how close we are to the Lord’s purposes for us.  

God bless you!

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