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Walking in the light of the Word

Walking in the light of the Word

I always heard about the Word; I was raised by my parents hearing about its importance in knowing how and where to walk, following Jesus and the kingdom of God above all.

It is essential that we read and delve deeper into it at the end of the process as well, as the Word of God always teaches and feeds us, but it is at the beginning of things that it provides paths and directions.

From the beginning

“If the part of the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy; if the root is holy, so are the branches.”

Romans 11:16

If we take our own steps when starting our journey and then everything goes wrong, even if we seek God just at that moment, entrusting our path into His hands, the Lord hears us and responds; He corrects our walk.

But do you agree that it becomes more difficult this way? Because He will need to undo what we do to actually begin His work.

We have to deliver our firstfruits, the beginning when everything is still a dream and project, because He guides us and clarifies our paths. He answers us in the end, but isn’t it much better to call for His presence from the beginning?

This would certainly save us a lot of suffering and disappointment.

Until the end

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”

Psalms 119:105

The Bible is a light that illuminates the entire journey. So, why walk in the dark and only look for the light at the end of it all, when there is no more to walk, if we can have it in every step?

That’s why it’s so important that we start the year delving into the Scriptures and end it being grateful for every detail and for the clarity it brings us. In it, there are promises that will sustain us on each journey, each day, month, and stage. For years and decades.

By reading, delving deeper, and getting to know the Word, we tune our hearts to the will of the one who wrote it. We learn to discern His voice above the tumult of the world, gaining wisdom to follow it. It is in God that we find eternal principles that shape our choices and direct our priorities.


“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12

Just as the body needs daily nourishment, our soul craves the spiritual nourishment found in God’s Word. Thus, we cultivate a deeper communion with the Creator, as He fills us with the truths of the Gospel.

The new year may bring unfamiliar challenges, but the Bible offers eternal promises of strength in the midst of adversity. God has sustained His people through difficult times in the past, but these stories are not just accounts of what happened; they serve as inspiration to face our own challenges with courage and confidence.

Divine truth transforms our thoughts, attitudes, and hearts. The Bible is not just a book; it is an agent of change that works within us, molding us into the image of our Savior, and this transformation impacts situations and the environment around us.

Deliver the firstfruits

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this.”

Psalms 37:5

At the beginning of the year, pour out at His feet everything you want to start, be it a project or a dream, and everything you want to end in a different way, in the best way: His way!

Start this year by placing everything in God’s hands, so that you can end it seeing God’s hand in every detail. God doesn’t just want the end of things, your gratitude when everything concludes; He wants even more the beginning of things, the entire journey, where your devotion and total dependence lie.

May your year be incredible, and may you be sensitive to hear every word that God has to say to you.

Happy New Year. God bless you!

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