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Unbind Yourself!

Unbind Yourself!

We hear a lot about being available for what God is going to do.

The Bible says in several passages that we need to open our hearts and allow the Lord to act in our lives. But, after all, what does this mean?

Be aware

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

Revelation 3:20

Being available does not mean being idle but being open and attentive.

To be available, you can’t be tied to something; it is necessary that we are not entangled in any situation.

When we try to embrace the world, we lose focus, and that puts us in a spider’s web. We make our lives so busy that we don’t have free time to pay attention to what the Lord wants to do.

This makes us miss opportunities because we are too busy and miss the blessings of heaven because we are distracted by things that take us nowhere and just take up unnecessary space.

Make room for “yes”

“The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful”

Matthew 13:22

The enemy’s weapon is intimidation, but the goal is distraction. He makes you feel afraid of the future, the present, and/or the past. He intimidates you, making you stop without wanting to move. This fills your heart with worry and anxiety and distracts you from what really matters.

The enemy cannot touch your life; he doesn’t have that power. But he can put things in your path that distract you and take you away from your purpose. The only one who can make him win is you, as he doesn’t have enough power to do it alone.

Don’t negotiate what is non-negotiable. Say “no” to things that don’t lead you towards Christ and make room for many other “yeses” to God.

Give Freedom to God

“He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God…”

Psalm 46:10

At this moment, the Lord calls you to turn your eyes to Him and what He will do in your life. Everything He has for you has already been released into the spiritual atmosphere, and as you prepare and become available, without strings attached, He will place it into your hands.

He has infinitely more for you than what you are holding on to. Let go and free up space for God to act.

You may feel that everything is happening too slowly. But everything is happening in perfect time! Be available, let your hands be free, and you will see an acceleration happening, as God will have space and freedom to work in your life.

Untie yourself!

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