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There is only One Way

There is only One Way

Today I came here to remind you that there is a right path and a wrong path, however hard it is to see and accept. I know that sometimes it becomes more comfortable to think that there is a third way, because then we would have a better chance of getting it right, but there is not.

These days I was playing golf and I paid attention to some details. I’m bad at golf. But I’m learning to play by playing. In the race.

There is a right way to position your hands, your body and aim. There is a correct force to apply. Details that I wouldn’t have known without the instruction of someone who knows the sport and lives it.

We create our own path

In the middle of the game I already started to feel pain in my hands, in my back… I could hit the ball with the club, it would go out of place, but it wasn’t getting as far as the golf players next door, because the The way I was playing was a path I created, not the right path.

All this out of sheer laziness and lack of patience to learn from the basics.

I tried to understand and do the right thing and, at the same time, I didn’t feel the discomfort I was feeling anymore. The ball still didn’t go that far, but I managed to apply more force and everything worked better, even though I still have a long way to go to improve.

Are you taking shortcuts?

Yes, in life you will be able to hit the ball, but are you doing it the right way or have you just invented a way to cut corners?

This “way” that we created to facilitate our journey and speed things up may seem to be working, but there will be pain, discomfort and frustration that would not exist if we had taken the right path. And I’m not talking about sport anymore…

When we know Christ we are presented with two paths: the wrong one, and His. After all, He Himself defines in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me”. However, we constantly try to create a third way: our own.

Don’t want to change the Perfect Path

We take God’s way, which is right and complete, and make small changes so that we don’t have to abstain from so many things or sacrifice so many parts.

We want the Gospel to fit us day after day, but we don’t mold any part of ourselves to fit the Gospel.

He doesn’t want you to be ready tomorrow to play in the Olympics. He wants your heart to be truly surrendered to learn from Him every step that must be taken. Listening and following his teachings is the best thing to do for the walk.

In fact, it was He who created the game…

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