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[Series: Miracles of Jesus] Restoring sight

Restoring sight

In the next 4 weeks I want to bring you some texts about the miracles of Jesus.

I chose for today the miracle of restoring the sight of blind Bartimaeus, a beggar from Jericho who cried out for Christ to have mercy on him and heal him.

Clamor out loud

In the passage of Jesus through the city of Jericho, in the texts of Matthew in chapter 10, the blind man became aware of his presence and began to cry “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me”.

Many around him told him to shut up, but he continued to cry out loudly, as he didn’t care what the people around him thought, he just wanted to get closer to the Only Begotten. Then Jesus, hearing him, commanded that he be called to himself.

At that moment, verse 50 says that he threw his cloak to the ground and ran to meet Jesus.

The cover message

The cover at that time showed the level of a certain person in society, so this Bartimaeus cover told everyone that he had a disability and was a beggar. She was different from the covers of people at a higher social level.

Even before Jesus healed him, he threw the cloak to the ground, this shows the confidence he had in the power of God, how he trusted that, just because he was called, that cloak no longer belonged to him. That would no longer be your reality, for your healing would happen at the hands of the son of David!

Trust like Bartimaeus

I don’t know what you’re going through. If something difficult is happening in your life right now, but I want to encourage you to cast your cape and take that step of faith. Cry out to Christ and declare over your life that what is happening is not your reality.

God restores sight to those who long to see the truth. Of those who, even though they don’t see, trust and keep crying. Even if it seems crazy or someone tries to shut you up, trust and He will!

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