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[Series: Identity] What is your origin?

[Series: Identity] What is your origin?

In the next 4 weeks I want to talk to you about “Identity”.

When we are asked about our “origin”, we immediately think about our surname, our family, our country, our city, among other aspects linked to our birth.

And we really get a lot of influence from the family that we have as “Guardians” in this world. Our father, mother, grandparents, uncles are people who teach us, accompany us and who we have as a reference in many areas of our lives. They are those from which we also receive a genetic inheritance and that have influenced how we are physically.

From the DNA

The dictionary brings as the meaning of “Identity” a set of characteristics that distinguish a person or thing and through which it is possible to individualize it. We carry a lot of our earthly family with us. Our first experiences in relationships are at home, with these people. The family identity is formed by different identities. What each person is individually makes up a part of what the others will also be.

However, even though we have inherited many things from our family, each of us was designed by the hand of God.

For you created my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb

Psalm 139:13

Know that your true origin comes from God, the Perfect Creator. Who gives life is He. Who formed you in your mother’s womb was He too. Maybe your mother’s pregnancy was not wanted, maybe your family went through very difficult situations that marked you and influenced you in a bad way, but none of that cancels God’s desire to create you or the precious identity He gave you.

Glad you’re different!

Even though we are very similar to our family, considering history, culture and characteristics in general, because we grew up under the same “roof”, God poured out on each person a gift, a personality and particularities that make each human being SINGULAR. Each person has their individuality, we will never be 100% the same as others.

Remember this: you are not like your father or mother. And it’s really not for you to be! Don’t cover yourself about it. I see people frustrated because they don’t have the same qualities as other family members. Good thing they don’t! It is a sign of God’s grace and that there is something unique and special about their lives.

As it is written in 1 Peter 4:10: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms

This is also God’s way of making us learn from a very early age how to walk in unity even in the midst of diversity. In the family, those who are different need to learn to live together in love.

God’s masterpiece

To conclude this text, I would like to remind you that the book of Genesis describes in its first chapter that we were made in the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26-27). This means that we have a consciousness that no other living thing has. Our origin is divine and supernatural. We are His masterpiece and the only ones capable of relating to our Creator in an intelligent way.

As we saw in the previous item, it was God who created you as unique as you are. And he wants to relate to you personally and in your uniqueness. Only you can worship and glorify God the way you do.

Do not forget that!

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