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Psalm 94 for the anxious heart

Psalm 94 for the anxious heart

When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. – Psalm 94:18-19

Meditate on these words for a moment. So many times we fight in our own strength and rely on our own feet to support us when they may slip. Yet the goodness of the Lord is what really sustains us. You were not abandoned to get lost in your own thoughts. The Lord can help you and comfort you. When you are confused, He can clear your mind and guide you along the eternal path. If you’ve been feeling lonely and lost, know that He can put you back on track and make you walk towards the purposes He has for you. You can trust the Lord and rest in Him.

There is true peace in the heart as we know that the Father’s love never fails and that He never leaves us. He holds us for every step we need to take along the way. We can rest in the presence of the Lord, who embraces us and releases us emotionally from any prison. Be free from anxiety, insomnia, depression and fear in the Lord, for the comfort that comes from Him brings relief to the soul.

The Lord brings relief in hard times

Blessed is the one you discipline, Lord, the one you teach from your law; you grant them relief from days of trouble, till a pit is dug for the wicked. 14 For the Lord will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance. – Psalm 94:12-14

As the passage says, the Lord disciplines those he loves, but he also brings relief in difficult times. Relief means lessening of weight, burden, fatigue, illness or suffering. May the Lord remove from your heart any weight or burden that has been causing you anxiety and preventing you from truly resting.

Receive at this moment a special refreshment from heaven to comfort and console you, regardless of the situation you are living or where you are. Feel the love of the Lord healing you, hugging you, filling your heart. Allow yourself to feel God by your side right now. May every lie that you are alone or lonely be thrown away. You are loved by God and He is with you and guarding you right now.


Dear and beloved God, thank you for being with each reader in this moment. First of all we thank You for Your love, for Your ever-present care, for Your goodness, grace and mercy. We know that with you we are never alone to face our pain, worries and anxiety. Thank you for that.

I ask you to fill each one with Your Peace that passes all understanding. I pray that wherever each person is, the Lord will reach everyone with His grace and presence. Regardless of what each one is feeling or thinking, may the Lord bring deliverance from all anxiety and worry. May every son and daughter be able to deliver everything before Your altar, God.

Help your children to understand that You Lord are with them and that you love them deeply. May they look to the freedom You offer instead of the resources this world offers. May Your Holy Spirit guide them at all times. May they dwell in Your presence and may You cast away everything that generates fear, anguish and stress. Help them to rest under Your wings and under Your sustenance.

Dear Father, may worries and anxiety subside to make room for Your love, Your goodness and Your comfort in our hearts. We give you thanks, we praise You and we exalt You. We recognize that Your presence is the best place we can be. We find rest and freedom in Your sweet presence, for where Your Spirit is, there is freedom. May the heavens open upon each son and daughter, bringing peace, joy and renewal. May the Lord bring relief to those who are going through a time of distress.

It is in Jesus’ name that I pray and thank you for Your goodness!

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