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Prayer: Authority in Christ

Prayer: Authority in Christ

To obtain spiritual authority, we must live the word and be truly Christians, acting like Christ.

I want to invite you to pray together for this authority, being completely dependent and surrendered.

Remembering that you don’t need to pray exactly as I’m going to say here. I know that everyone has their own way of communicating with the Father, and it is important that we seek this intimacy. Feel free to talk to the Lord in your way. But if you wish, I am here to accompany you in this prayer.


“Father, only You have power; all my strength comes from You, and only by walking with You can I face the enemy with authority. Teach me to be more like Christ every day; I want to walk by Your side in every situation.

I know that this authority comes through Jesus and a life in the Word.

Enable my heart to resist the enemy in all his schemes, so that I do not believe any of his lies. Keep my spirit firm and focused on You and the truths of the Gospel, so that I trust at all times in Your protection and Your help in times of adversity. May I know how to use, with wisdom and discernment, Your Word as a sword to defend myself from whatever comes against me.

Lord, guide my steps so that they are like those of Christ, following Your path.

May I remain firm in faith, listening only to Your sweet and powerful voice, basing all my choices on You and aligning my dreams with Yours.

Teach me to guard my heart, resisting the temptations and trials that the enemy throws, so that I do not deviate from Your path. May I remain vigilant and alert, keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author, and Finisher of my faith.

With the power and strength that I receive daily from You, may the devil flee from me and have no power to influence my life, because I am completely Yours, Father.

Lord, may Your authority be manifest in every aspect of my life. May I glorify Your name in everything I do, witnessing to the world the transforming power of the Gospel.

In the name of Jesus, who granted me authority through the Word, I pray and rebuke everything that comes against me and Your Kingdom. Amen.”

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