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Prayer: Aligning the Focus

Prayer: Aligning the Focus

I want to invite you to pray together today, asking God to teach our hearts about the true value of things, so that we may prioritize the Kingdom and everything that leads us to Him and to Christ in our lives.

Remembering that you don’t need to pray exactly as I’m going to say here. I know that everyone has their own way of communicating with the Father, and it is important that we seek this intimacy. Feel free to talk to the Lord in your way. But if you wish, I am here to accompany you in this prayer.


“Beloved Father, I come before You with an open and sincere heart, asking that my heart may find in You the true value and treasure.

Teach me to have a pure heart, like David’s, who sought Your presence above all else. May I keep Your word within me, so that it may guide my thoughts, words, and actions.

May my priorities be aligned with Your will, and may my goal be to seek Your Kingdom above all. Grant me wisdom to discern what is eternal and dedicate my life to it.

I want to keep my heart focused on things above. May my actions reflect the love of Christ and may Your word fill my heart.

Renew a steadfast spirit within me, so that my choices are always pleasing to Your eyes and aligned with Your word.

Lord, help me remember that true value lies in reflecting Your love and being an instrument in Your hands. May I serve, love, give of myself, and follow in Your footsteps.

Teach me to assign the proper value to each thing, so that I do not lose my way.

May my heart be fertile soil, producing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Use me, Lord, and may my heart be in the right place.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!”

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