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Live the supernatural

Live the supernatural

I see many people questioning why those who don’t follow God prosper, while others who do, encounter afflictions.

But that’s simply the nature of life.

Natural cycle

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”

2 Corinthians 9:6

Whoever walks without God experiences what is natural. There is planting, rain, and then the harvest, as this is the normal cycle of things. And amidst all this, there are the consequences of your mistakes.

We who live with God experience the supernatural daily. We witness miracles and events that can only exist in Him, which clearly demonstrate the presence of God and His hand in everything.

Those who walk far from the Father only experience the natural, the obvious, and the expected cycle. But those who live for the Kingdom also need to understand that this does not provide an antidote to the bad things that happen.

Battles exist, whether they are necessary for our growth or those in which we get involved due to wrong choices along the way. But achievements exist too, those of our own work and those that the Lord grants us. He promises to be with us at each of these stages.

Follow Him

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

The problem is, as the famous phrase goes, the grass is always greener on the other side. We tend to focus on the miracles and visible achievements of the people around us, forgetting about the ones we receive from God in secret, the answered prayers that we experience daily.

Everyone goes through deserts during their journey, and this is both normal and often supernatural. In the book of Exodus, the people were slaves in Egypt. When they left exile, they had to traverse the desert, but God guided them with a cloud during the day and a flame at night.

God guided and protected them through the desert because it was necessary for them to endure that journey in order to reach the promised land.

You may no longer be in Egypt as a slave, but you will still encounter deserts. The difference is that, by walking with God, you are journeying towards the promised land and are guided along the way.

So plant, water, harvest, and live what you have worked for and sought, knowing that obstacles will come, but with God, they can be easily overcome.

Choose the supernatural

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

Psalm 77:11-12

See the miracles that God has done in your life today, without focusing on what others have experienced. If you hear their testimonies, let it serve as encouragement for your own journey. The Father has a specific and separate plan for you, tailored to your needs. He doesn’t want you to replicate someone else’s experiences; He wants you to live out your unique calling, bearing fruit for the Kingdom.

Embrace the supernatural; don’t settle for what you can accomplish on your own. Go further with God by your side. Allow yourself to be guided and directed.

Walking through the desert can be painful. Learning and living out the Word is often challenging and requires sacrifices that may make us feel lost. But despite the difficulties, the fruits that result are beautiful and make it all worthwhile.

Right now, you are experiencing a miracle! Open your eyes and see.

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