“Serve”… When we don’t live that word for real, it seems to give the title of “weak” to someone, after all, who seems to be more important? What is sitting around the table or who is serving that table?
Who am I to do nothing?
“And the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus, for they were afraid of the people“
Luke 22:2
He was among us as a servant, and if the greatest was a servant, who am I to sit around and do nothing?
Personally, my biggest love language is acts of service. My way of telling someone how special that person is to me is to do something for them. I pay close attention to the things around me and I keep everything people tell me they like or want, then I use this information to do something for her, whether it’s making my mom’s favorite cake, buying my father’s favorite chocolate, setting up decorations for friends’ parties, serving within my ministry…
At home and in ministry
In my church I am the leader of the general production of the cult, that is, my job is nothing more than serving everyone and everything for the cult to happen. I organize people on the scales, bring water, bring equipment, separate the schedules, organize the stage and gather all the important information of the day for the leaders of each area to align ourselves as much as possible.
Now I value the “whole” more. Having a ministry that requires so much that I put into practice the gift of “serving” that God pours out on us, makes me appreciate it much more when I am in a place where I need someone’s help, when I need someone to also put into practice the “serve” so that everything goes well.
May the attitude of service accompany us wherever we are: at work, on the street, at church, at home, with friends and anywhere.
Members of one body
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues“
1 Corinthians 12:27-28
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms“
1 Peter 4:10
One of the synonyms of the word “serve” is “purpose”. Having the pleasure of being a servant brings me closer to Him, gives me a purpose. Serving also affirms my identity as a daughter and part of the family of God, for as members of one body we must exercise our gifts in service to one another.
I think the church idea is beautiful. A company that does not profit for itself, that does not work for its own return. It is a place where one serves the other without waiting for the other to serve him in return. That’s what God’s love is based on, surrender and being one.
The word of God is made of His love, but it is also made of His commandments. We have a life manual in our hands and this manual gives the how, the why and the where. He delivers meaning to our lives and to our path. And one of these commandments, which even expresses the love of God, is service.