Today I want to say a prayer of praise to the Lord with you! Faithful and just is the God we serve and is with us at all times!
Remembering that you do not need to repeat this prayer exactly as I am going to leave it here, because each of us has a specific way of communicating with the Lord. So if you want to accompany me, it will be a pleasure, but feel free to speak your way.
I praise you Lord for who You are. You show me Your fidelity in the simplest of everyday situations, even when there seems to be no solution.
Wonderful is your name, for the undeserved grace that You pour on me. As I am happy to adore You, your presence satisfies me and my desire is to be closer and closer to You.
All your promises have been fulfilled in my life, because You are a God of your word and perfect in everything you do. You move mountains and make the impossible possible. My beloved father, you took care of me and protected me.
I praise You because You gave Your only child to die on a cross and today I can be freely in your presence.
You are the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. Even though I’m a sinner, you still love me, I couldn’t live far from Your love.
May all honor and glory be given to You.
It is in the name of Jesus that I pray and ask that my words reach You like a gentle perfume!
Prayer of a mere servant of God.
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.
Psalms 113:3
God bless you!
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