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How to protect your heart?

How to protect your heart?

In Proverbs 2, the value of wisdom and how it helps us to have discernment is described in some verses. This discernment protects our hearts so that we can make choices based on God’s will, which is always good, perfect, and pleasing.

What is it to be wise?

To be wise is to look at life through the eyes of God and act according to what He says. The famous question “What would Jesus do?”. This leads us to have a worthy life in Him, learning to value life and everything that is given to us as an undeserved gift.

This discernment received through a life with wisdom allows our eyes to see the real value of things, the opportunities, the paths that come from the Father…

You need to seek that gift

Wisdom is a gift from God that can only be obtained through Him (Proverbs 2:6: For the Lord gives wisdom, from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.). The search for it in the Lord must begin with us.

When we know what the truth is, the false becomes obvious to us. It protects our heart. As it is counseled in Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”.

It is from the heart that feelings and choices are born, it is there that we keep our essence. Jesus makes it clear in the book of Luke that the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart. He is the source. Protecting it limits what we keep in it and, consequently, what we mirror to the world.

To conclude, consider:

How have you been seeking the wisdom that comes from above in God? Have you fed your heart with the Word and the truth of the Father? Take a moment in His presence and ask the Holy Spirit for help.

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