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How to know God?

How to know God?

Do you know what a house of prayer is for? Do we need to “consecrate” a space as a place of prayer?

I wanted to bring some thoughts about the text of Isaiah 56:

“For my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations”.

Go to him

“If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you”.

2 Chronicles 15:2

The Father’s house was not called the house of “preaching” or “mysteries”, such as miracles and prophecies, but of “prayer”. Pointing directly to a relationship with God and the way worship should be performed.

Several times I come here to talk about one of our actions. That’s because a lot is heard about what He does and we already know His promises, but it’s important to remember daily what needs to come from us.

Knowing God through preaching and miracles takes away our action to build a relationship with Him. Receiving is easy, watching God speaking and doing is easy. But being willing to seek Him requires a step on our part.

Listen and do

My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you”.

Job 42:5

To see Him, we must seek Him. Prayer is relationship, communion, and it is through it that we have access to a bridge that takes us to meet Him: Jesus.

When we study something we need to read, watch videos and lectures on the subject to learn. But we only truly know the subject and delve into it when we leave for the practical part.

With the Lord it is no different. When we hear about Him only on Sunday morning, that doesn’t change something within us. But when that word begins to be put into practice, when we seek to learn more during the week what we hear on a Sunday at church, we begin to have a relationship, because relationship is exchange, that’s when I want to know Him intimately and I long to be known intimately by Him.

The Father meant us

“I will be found by you’ declares the Lord, ‘and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,’ declares the Lord, ‘and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”

Jeremiah 29:14

That meeting house that Father spoke of in Isaiah, which I mentioned at the beginning, was not a place to pray religiously. He never told us to have a religion, He leads us to His love, to His truth. He wants to exchange glances with his children. He made us for Him and we just need to focus our eyes on where we were formed.

Prayer is surrender and devotion, and that’s just what we need, because it leads us to Him.

The Father gave us existence as a gift and together with it, he poured out on us the promise of protection. Praying and seeking is the least we can do each day to praise and worship Him for giving us meaning.

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