Many people have come to me on social networks to ask the right way to hear God speak. Some blame themselves for never having heard an audible voice. Others do not know whether God is speaking or whether what they feel is the work of their minds.
I felt like writing this post to talk about how I “hear God” and encourage the brothers to strive to hear from the Lord.
Lowering the volume
I heard a very good phrase from Brother Douglas Gonçalves (JesusCopy) on this subject. He says that since satan can not lower the volume of God’s voice, he strives to increase the volume of things around us. So that we can not understand what God is speaking for so many things that are screaming in our ears.
In fact, it is difficult to direct our minds to have contact with God in the midst of so many things. Work, study, relationships, problems, debts, processes, social networks. There are innumerable things that take our focus every day and make us spend in futilities a time when we could move away from all of this so as to silently try to hear the voice of God.
If we want to hear the spirit, we must silence our flesh and our intellect. Let go of these two and focus on the things of God.
Cl 3:2 “Keep the thought of things above, not of earthly things”
How do I hear the voice of God?
In this topic I will cite in a very personal way the ways that God feels talking to me. It does not necessarily have to be that way with you. But I certainly hear the Lord speak to my heart in several different ways. And no, I’ve never heard the audible voice of God. And although I long for this experience, I am content with the relationship I have with the Father.
Through the Word
I believe the easiest way to hear God is by reading the Bible. It may seem too simple, but if we understand that we are referring to the word of God, what better way to hear his voice than directly by his word?
Through the Bible we know the action of God and understand how he cares for his creation. We understand the purpose, we see the way He likes things and we are directed to live His way.
One of the biggest problems I have seen is that many Christians say they do not hear the voice of God and that they even stop to open their bibles for a few minutes.
Through Peace
The second way I hear God speak to my heart is by the peace that the Holy Spirit gives me. When something causes no doubts, no weights, or restlessness.
The Lord’s things are clear and clean, and surely his words too. When something does not bring us peace after being placed before God, it certainly is not something that comes from heaven.
C. 3:15 “May the peace of Christ be the judge in your hearts, since you were called to live in peace, as members of one body. And be grateful “
Is 26:3 “Thou shalt keep in perfect peace the one whose purpose is established, for he trusteth in thee”
Through the Spirit
The third way in which I hear God speak is perhaps the way that gives me more intimacy with Him. When I am talking and telling of my day, I try to pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is saying to my heart. So basically, I feel the answers of my questions coming in my mind. I confess that at the beginning of my walk with God, I thought it was something of my imagination. But as I was having experiences with words of knowledge and wisdom (1Co 12) that came to me in the same way and always fit perfectly I could begin to better differentiate the voice of the Lord from the voice of my head.
Imagine yourself in the middle of a crowd where everyone is screaming and think that at some point your mother calls you. You’ll be able to hear her voice because you’ve known her for years, and you’re intimate enough to understand her voice even among so many others.
That way, I believe that the best way to learn to hear the voice of God alone is to become more and more intimate with Him. In secret, praying, reading the Bible and silencing the sound of the world.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be in all the hearts of the brethren, bringing peace and direction to each one! Amen!
Let’s talk!
For a more personal contact with me, find me at instagram by the name @zmbrandao. You can also follow @bibliajfa‘s profile!
Do not forget to send us your testimony by e-mail We want to hear about your experiences with God.