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Do you have the culture of worship in you?

Do you have the culture of worship in you?

“We must create a culture of worship”.

Today I want to talk about this phrase. I don’t know if you too, but I’ve heard a lot. I want to share my view on her.

Culture of caring

First let’s understand the meanings of culture. There are several, such as cultivation, development, relationship, expressions…

What we hear most about is culture as the material or immaterial art that exists in a society. Culture is what shapes who we are and concerns where we come from. They are the characteristics of a people.

The Romans brought another, even deeper, meaning to this word. A meaning considered in discussions to date: Beware. Culture, for them, was fully the act of caring. Taking care of a plantation, a dance, a painting, a building…On today’s topic: TAKING CARE OF WORSHIP.

Desde quando o Senhor separou Seu povo, como descrito a partir do capítulo 25 do livro de Êxodo, Ele deu instruções detalhadas a respeito do local e de como as ofertas de adoração deveriam ser prestadas. Havia todo um zêlo, ritual e cuidado em relação a isso. Hoje a partir de Cristo, nós edificamos um novo templo espiritual e passamos todos a ser sacerdotes. Podemos em todo o tempo permanecer em constante adoração. Não existe mais a necessidade de um ritual de purificação para entregarmos nossas ofertas, porém o zêlo e o cuidado pela adoração passa a ser de todos nós.

Culture of sharing

“Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still. Teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding”

Proverbs 9:9,10

Worship involves deep respect and recognition of the value of what you worship. Taking care of this reverence so that it is constant and complete is often a difficult job in the face of the world we live in, but between us…

When we think about the culture of a people, we know that it was based on something older, that came from our great-grandparents and other ancestors. The culture of worship also needs to be like this, we must treat it as an important custom in our lives and share it with other people around us so that they can also cultivate it.

After all, more than being something of our ancestors, worship is something that concerns all eternity. From the beginning angels worshiped, creation in everything recognized the greatness of its Creator and when we dwell with Christ we will continue to worship. So study about worship, live worship and teach those close to you.

Culture of being an agent of transformation

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord”

Romans 12:10,11

The culture itself can be kept just for you, based on your way of life and the things you are used to doing. But the way we do it often comes from the custom in which we were raised and taught.

Much of our development today is linked to the cultures that have formed among people over the years, which have been passed on from generation to generation aiming at care and closeness to the descendants.

The fact that you don’t withhold something just for yourself, shows a zeal for others around you. Showing how God changes your life and how taking with you a culture of worship transforms lives, families and dreams, is taking care of our brothers.

Culture of overflowing

“The water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

John 4:14

I pray that you will live God’s best and that your life will be washed with this presence. But I also pray that everything good you experience will overflow, reaching other people.

Talk about what He has already done and has done in your life, be a witness. Everyone needs to hear about God. We never know who is truly waiting for a word. So it’s always worth talking about! Also, when we lead a life of worship, we can be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit for Him to use in love.

Have you ever thought that starting this culture of worship where you live could be born from you? Have you ever thought that God can use you to heal people? Have you ever stopped to understand that it can be through your voice that God’s care will reach other people?

Another meaning of culture is action. Rise, do, speak, worship, witness. Act!!!

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