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Why is discipline so hard?

Difficulty in discipline

I’ve heard a lot of people talking about how taking the first step in situations is difficult. But I disagree with that statement. The first step, in most cases, is the easiest because it can be given in a moment of impulse, excitement, emotion, euphoria…

I believe that from the 2nd step onwards, it gets more complicated, because emotion mixes with reason and we need to be very focused on what is really worthwhile and what we really want.

Strength for the walk

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

Proverbs 16:9

Have you ever tried making a decision in a moment of great joy? Or very sad? It is in this type of situation that we usually make decisions that we later regret. We get the feeling that we shouldn’t have done that or that we could have done more or otherwise.

The problem is that, even following reason from the first step, thinking several times before taking any action and asking for the Father’s direction, overcoming the difficulties that exist in the next steps is completely linked to our constancy and discipline, and these are not easy things, because each day requires a different response from us and we can come across a roller coaster.

The first step is usually taken in sudden courage, and from there comes the work. But just as this courage must be sought in Him, so must the strength to walk.

Seek in the father

“In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:6

Discipline is something difficult, because discouragement begins to arrive, the day is barely here, difficulties knock at the door, and all this makes us rethink whether it is worth stopping or continuing the path even in front of the barriers.

The beginning has the excitement that engages us and the end has the achievement that rewards us, but nobody talks about the pain that exists in the middle. The journey may take longer than we expect and plan, and going steady requires strength and focus from us. But in some moments uncertainty and insecurity can speak much louder. We need to look to the Father for strength.

Focus your trust on Him

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”

Psalms 20:7-8

Many times in this “medium” we are faced with the silence of God, and that is the most difficult thing. We need to be firm to what He has already promised us, so that we learn to wait and remain.

He doesn’t need to keep repeating all the way through what He has already told you. His word is one, it always comes true. From the moment it was released, you have to trust it all the way.

Discipline and constancy require us to give up much of what we have to work focused on where we want to get. Sacrifices are necessary. Sometimes it can seem easy to face the walk since the goal is much bigger compared to where we were before. But in the middle of the desert, work is hard and it becomes more complicated to imagine that we will find water soon.

Regardless of where you are now, go meet the Father. Ask for guidance to make decisions according to His Word. Understand that if the Lord has led you to a path and a promise, the provision and strength will come from Him. The Lord knows it’s difficult for us, but He promised that He would be with us and that it wouldn’t be impossible if we were founded on Him.

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